Only a few days later Hawks was already at the dinner table again, waiting for his colleagues to arrive. The cafeteria of UA was a little crowded today with the hero course students nosily looking at and greeting him.
He had already gotten sick of the voice machine so he was running around without it, hastily scanning the students he rests his head on his hand. His wings poking out of his turtleneck pullover, still not completely regrown but still very promising. "There you are, didn't see you in between all those third years Hawks!" Toshinori sat down right next to him, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Aw man All might, is it 'cause of my grey pullover or 'cause I'm short?"
Both of them shared a quick laugh when the next one to sit down was Aizawa, kind of killing the mood. "Good to see you Hawks, heard you had another encounter with Dabi at his hideout?" was the first thing he asked and the blonde immediately thought about the shower incident, now unconciously rubbing his neck. Shoulders stiffend.
"Uh yeah, i think i already told everyone. Lets not bring that up please." Aizawa got it very fast that the topic made him uncomfortable, still wondering about this out of character reaction.
"Is Endeavor coming too?" Hawks took a sip of his tea, pretending to be busy scrolling through his phone. Toshinori shook his head, glancing at the youngers wings. "Your wings look really good, a few days and you'll be as strong as before." Together with the compliment his wings automatically fluffed out, showing that he got shy. Hawks grinned and looked up from his phone, giving All might a thankful smile. Huh, whats this feeling?
Oh no, it's my daddy issues.
"Thank you Minimight, i really needed to hear that actually. So, what are you guys up to at the moment?" Toshinori faked annoyance at his nickname while Aizawa snorted. Wow, feels so familiar here. I could stay the whole day.
Slowly the students started to leave for class again and the cafeteria got quieter, it wasn't uncomfortably quiet but he still felt a little less happy with the silence. "I'm still teaching here, only have a free period now and All might has been running after Midoriya. You know how he gets." Hawks nods understanding and poured himself some tea again, carefully of course to not burn himself. He figured out that even that gives him a feeling of panic.
"Yeah, he's been pushing himself too hard lately. But i wanted to talk to you about something else, it's nothing dangerous but please hear us out." Okay so now Hawks was nosy, interested he lifts an eyebrow and gestures him to continue. If it's nothing dangerous, what could it be? We're in midst of a war.
Aizawa sighs and starts talking first. "No need to phrase it like that, you're worrying him. We just wanted to ask if you'd like to take part in a school event tomorrow." "To motivate the students, i hope you understand?" Toshinori folds his hands and smiles nervously. Oh, i really got worried here for a sec!
"I uhm, yeah sure? I'd love that."
"Great, please show up in your costume then. It's going to be a training event where we'll have some of the hero course students participate in a roleplay training session. You're gonna play the villain along with Aizawa, that sound good?"
Me? playing the villain? I guess i could manage that. "No prob, but there's one problem you two." The blonde took a dramatically timed sip of his tea. "My costume burned to ashes and i can't fight seriously, how am i supposed to help then?" Hawks turned to Aizawa. "We'll give you a provisional costume plus you're not supposed to go all out on the kids anyway, you in?"
Hawks smiled at the two teachers, somehow he liked the idea of playing a role in their training. "Sure, told ya I'm in already Eraser. What time?" "All might will send you the location tomorrow at around 8AM. Be there at nine okay?"
He nods and continues to drink his tea happily, feeling maybe a little too excited about this. Maybe it wasn't that good of an idea for them to continue classes but they also couldn't stop preparing the next hero generation. "I'll be there, thank you guys but i gotta go now. Got a date with my weights." Hawks gets up and pulls his turtleneck in place. "Sure, go for it. Just wondering why you're wearing a pullover in this weather but i wont ask." Aizawa picked up all of their cups and got up too, not noticing Hawks slight panic.
All might however noticed. "Don't make him uncomfortable Shota, if he's got a possesive partner then so be it. Even though i thought you'd be at an age where hickeys aren't a thing anymore Hawksie."
With a nervous laugh he gave them a quick wave and practically ran away already. All might successfully making him feel more uncomfortable than Aizawa. "Bye guys! See ya tomorrow!"
Relieved he opens the door to his home and checks his closet before doing anything else. Leaving the door open so he could run away in case of a Dabi hiding in here. Thank god.. When he made sure no one was in here, he took off his shoes followed by his pullover. Quickly changing into a comfortable pair of pants and setting up everything for his workout.
He put on a pair of headphones and then thought to himself that maybe he could use his speakers again, they haven't been touched in months because of his neighbours complaining. Fuck 'em, i've been quiet for long enough now.
Not giving a single fuck he puts his headphones away and puts on his speakers, letting a random playlist play. It didn't matter to him what song was playing as long as it got him hyped up. Happily humming he started working out when a really good song went on, he just had to sing along.
"I've been looking for a driver who is qualified. So if you think that you're the one step into my ride~" He sang outloud and quickly changes to heavier weights because of how hyped he became. "I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine, got a sunroof top and a gangster lead!" Then he laughed because of how ironically the lyrics fit him.
In between sets he switched to dancing and singing into an imaginary microphone, swaying his hips so good even Shakira evied him. "Get you where ya wanna go, if you know what I mean. Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine." Wow, how did i live without my daily singing workout session man?
When the chorus came up he dropped his weights and turned to his desk lamp pretending it was a camera, posing and singing like the star he was. "Can you handle the curves, can you run all the lights~" He giggles and wipes the sweat off his neck.
"If you can-" He winks at the so called camera and continues out of breath "-Babyboy, then we can go all night~" Was the last lyric he sang along to before he loudly exhaled and started stretching.
All of this while Dabi sat on the other side of the live recording camera installed in Hawks lamp, completely perplexed.
. . . . .
You won't believe me when i tell you guys how i wrote this, giggling to myself like a kid.😭
(The song is Shut up and drive by Rihanna)
Published 04.03.2023/1220 Words

Drop it like its hot | ᴰᵃᵇⁱʰᵃʷᵏˢ
FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...