The door creaked as he hushed inside Dabis room and he closed it as silent as possible. That wasn't loud enough to worry him so it didn't matter.
Nothing matters.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Hawks voice was nothing but a whisper yet it stirred Dabi awake. His eyes fluttered open weakly and as soon as he saw the blonde by his bedside, his lips formed into a faint smile.
"I'm here, god you look horrible." Hawks would have jumped him if it weren't for his current state. Instead he took Dabis hand into his and gently pressed a kiss on his knuckles. His hands are so dry, but now without the scars they're so diffrent. He took longer than usual to scan Dabis features, how did he look so peaceful now? It's not like his past has been erased, but seemingly all proof of it.
Frizzy white hair charmed his new appearance and for a moment Hawks thought, why even punish this guy? Yes he was a murderer and everything but he's no threat anymore. I can't believe I'm really thinking this about a villain.
Despite the fact of Hawks not even realising his own mistakes, he didn't even understand why Dabi had to face punishment now.
This guy barely made it back into being alive, he doesnt even have a quirk anymore. Without any more words he got up and carefully slipped under the covers next to Dabi, now together they laid in the soft hospital bed staring out the window. It was a cloudy sky with no bright stars in sight.
Hawks closed his arms around the villain and slowly covered him in his wings, as if he were to shield him from this world. Or more like his punishment.
"You sure are crazy babybird." Dabis voice was husk, you could hear the pain from trying to talk. It hurt the blonde but at the same time he felt his heart flutter, he missed that nickname. Only a few more seconds and the tears started running down Hawks face, it could never be.
"It was nice while it lasted, eh?" Dabi said again and this time Hawks couldn't keep it together anymore. His sobbing got louder as he snuggled closer. What is he saying!
They spend minutes just cuddling when Dabi finally gathered the strength to press a kiss onto his cheek, his limbs felt weak and even though the healing worked wonders, it wasn't a miracle after all. He wanted to wipe away Hawks tears and kiss him, but the enegry was leaving his body slowly. When his heartbeat began to weaken, hawks finally realized what was happening.
He's giving up?
Anxiously the blonde sat up and leaned over him, like this he realized it was too late. His wings could sense his heart rate declining. He wanted to scream and cry but not a single sound left his mouth. "Don't be scared, I'm just glad i got to be alone with you one last time." Dabi smiled and when Hawks also smiled back at him, he closed his eyes.
The hero kissed him on the lips one last time and whispered "I'll always love you, everywhere."
Quiet, not even the sound of a machine beeping was heard. Hawks guessed the nurse didn't even bother to put a monitor in here.
He put his head on Dabis dabis chest and listened as his heart beat for the last time, maybe a peaceful way to go was what he had always wanted? Spending his life behind bars wouldn't have been the better choice at all. He never got clousure from his father, instead he fell in love.
After laying there for a few moments Hawks sobbing got louder again and he pulled the others body tighter onto his, it wasn't loud enough to be heard in the nurses office so it didn't matter. He was alone now and he couldn't handle it. He cried and cried until eventually his chest basically pulled intself together from pain. Now it physically hurt and there was nothing he could do. Dabi was gone.
In that moment he just closed his eyes and hoped to stop the pain, and it did.
When he closed his eyes cuddling his lover, it was the last time he did. His body couldn't handle the grief.
So he died, of a broken heart.
Is this really true? Wow, i never thought I'd go like this.
A familiar voice caught him off guard. You idiot, i can't believe you went after me so fast.
What was going on, weren't we supposed to be dead? Just where on earth were we. I also don't know.
Huh, you can read my mind? Dabi let out a snort and slowly approached the "body" of his lover from behind.
What mind, we're literally dead. The villain closed his arms around hawks who confusedly turns around in his embrace. We're dead?
Yeah didn't you notice? Look down. Dabi let him know and together they looked down from what seemed to be a realm of clouds. They could see the earth and with one closer look, they could see their own bodies cuddled up together in the hospital bed. Hawks huffed at that.
We've been dead for god knows how lond and still not discovered? Dabi could only chuckle at that and now Hawks realized it, Dabi was standing right in front of him again. He jumped into his arms and pulled him in for a long kiss, telling him how much he loves him over and over again.
But wait, what about the others. My friends, my colleagues? Hawks worried and earned himself a pat on the head. They will understand, plus, its not like we can change anything now.
So they sat down, kissing and cuddling like they were before.
Looks like there is an afterlife after all.
Yep, and we've got all the time we need babybird.
. . . . .
Published 05.04.24 | 955words
Im not crying, you are.
So, i wasn't actually planning to end it right here but when i had this idea, it felt right. It's not a bad ending in a way but also not a stereotypical happy one. How did you like it? :)
I thank everyone who commented and voted so much, you really kept me going. Especially the ones who left like muliple comments in a span of minutes! You guys were so fun to write for and i wish everyone the best of luck trying to find another good fanfiction hehe
best wishes, your lazy author ley

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FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...