As the clock struck midnight Hawks happily sat down at the teachers office of UA, he loved the feeling of a school because he never got the chance to attend one.
Now you probably think 'What do you mean he never attended a hero school?' but well, Hawks was schooled by the hero commission itself. They practically raised him to be a weapon the moment he signed that contract. It wasn't always bad, he got food, education and free time to go after his hobbys.
And then he automatically became a hero through the commission and has been working ever since then.
"So, Hawks. It's nice to spend some time with you here. I remember hearing you did a great job at class 1As training back then!" it was principal Nezu jumping on his table that got his attention. The small rat or mouse guy smiles at him with an interested look.
Eraserhead now sat down too at one of the tables in the big room, taking a sip from his hot tea. He says "Better watch out before he tries to make you a teacher here." Hearing that Hawks wondered what he had planned for his own life, would he be a hero forever or could he become a teacher at some point? Well, that's something to think about if I come back alive from war.
"I'm not interested in teaching, thanks Nezu." The blonde hero answers truthfully and leans back in his chair, he wanted to try and avoid anything about school in case they wanted to ask which one he attended. But of course it didn't work. The Underground hero puts his mug down and asks "What hero school did you graduate from, you could have been easily accepted to UA with your quirk."
Cool, so that didn't work.
"That's a secret, can't tell ya." He dodged and earned a big sigh from the erasure hero.
He thought that maybe that was it, but no. "So, you're hiding your whole identity I see. What else are you hiding?" principal Nezu finally jumped off his table and tried questioning the wing hero. Of course he couldn't know that Hawks was specifically trained to lie and dodge questions like this. Usually he would just lie but with his colleagues it was enough to just say it was a secret.
He looks around the room, wondering why the hell these guys were even still awake at this time. "I would love to tell you more, but Dabi finding out about my identity threw me off so I won't say anything just in case."
This answer makes the two other heros nod in agreement.
"Why aren't you guys sleeping, it's very late." Hawks asks them and turns to a window, watching how the heavy rain splashes against the windows.
"My class is doing some kind of get together, I can't sleep with the noise but I also don't want to stop them from having fun right now." Aizawa got up to refill his tea, well this makes sense. They're still kids and everything could go very wrong soon. Nezu also agreed. "Sadly there's no rooms left for him to sleep in, so I've been accompanying him a little!"
Hawks nods at the mouse man. "resting is really important though, I can give you a room to sleep in if you want to. My agency is 5 minutes by flight away?" he suggests, not really expecting Aizawa to accept this. The blonde thought he was more type to just wait until their little party was over. So he was a little surprised when the underground hero gave him a quick nod saying "That would be good, I'm really fucking tired." "Language Aizawa-san, we're still in a work environment!"
"Yeah, whatever. Im too tired for rules." Aizawa rubs his eyes and holds back a yawn. I'm not gonna sleep tonight anyway, i slept the whole day sooo.
The wing hero points at the window. "it's raining though, i can fly you there but you're gonna have to put on a waterproof coat or something." Hawks tells him. Principal Nezu makes a confused sound. "Why don't you just drive, that way both of you won't get wet."
"Oh hell no, have you seen this mans driving? He almost crashed our bus back then." haha, funny.
Hawks shoots them a smile. "Why drive when I can fly?" and then he jumps up and stretches his wings. He can't help but be a little happy about the two teachers eyeing his wings like they're the coolest thing ever. It really pushed his ego. "By the way, why don't you drive?" he asks Aizawa and said person just shakes his head. "I'm too tired, plus my eyesight has become rather bad after the last encounter with Shigaraki."
Hawks nods, he remembers it very well how Eraser had it just as bad as he did. He had lost a leg and an eye back then. Plus his quirk has become nearly useless.
They were close to leaving together but the door was pushed open by another blonde with way too much energy. "Wow, it's really gloomy in here!" his loud voice echoed through the office and Hawks almost shat himself. Present mic walked in followed by Mirko and now he asked himself why the hell everyone was still up at this hour.
"Guys, are you plannin' some kind of party or what, it's past midnight." Hawks greeted the two and he just knew Aizawa gave up on ever sleeping tonight now. Both of them sat their asses back down, Mirko and Present mic did the same and now they all sat together in the UA teachers office. "Well, i bumped into her on my way here" he says while pointing a finger at the bunny hero smiling maliciously. "I though i could show her around. Good thing you guys are here though! Let's do some serious teacher talking." Present mic finally turned down his voice and rests his arms on the table.
"Yeah, for example why the the dorms of class 1A look like a nightclub right now. Pretty sure they're doing things they're not supposed to Aizawa." Mirko laughs, she couldn't care less about what on earth the kids are doing there, at their age she hadn't been any diffrent.
Aizawa and Hawks exchange looks and their moods couldn't have been any more diffrent, Hawks tried to cheer him up with a geniue smile. I don't know why i feel so comfortable with these guys, they're not even my age? Except for Mirko of course. He looked around and tried to say something, but Nezu did first, "They can have fun for a night, just like you guys did last time." "Oh, i remember that very much."
All eyes went on Hawks and he fought hard to hold back a blush. "Was i that drunk?" He scratched his head and Aizawa rolled his eyes saying "Drunk and irresponsible, have you seen that video of you sandwiched between two girls in the club yet?"
Hawks was dumbstruck and just hides his face behind his hands. The pro heros seemed to take it with humour while Nezu just sat there, staring off into space suprised. "Here, i got it downloaded." Yamada switched seats and held the phone in front of his nose, now two and a half minutes of pure nightmares started playing.
In the video you could clearly see Hawks dancing and moving against two pretty ladies, his messed up hair and everything. And the title said it all. 'Pro hero Hawks hitting two birds with one stone!!!'
"Oh god damn, that is embaressing as hell. Wait- delete that off your phone!" Hawks basically yelled through the room and the whole table erupted in laughter. Even sleepy Aizawa chuckled to himself. It made the blonde feel even more embarassed than he already was. But out of nowhere, Mirko accidently slipped something in between her laughter. Something that made him question if she had forgotten what a secret was.
"Haha, you could really pass as a straight dude man!"
. . . . .
Published 12.05.23/ 1350 words
Ahhh Mirko finally spilled the beans, on accident 😭

Drop it like its hot | ᴰᵃᵇⁱʰᵃʷᵏˢ
FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...