Endeavor was the one to get the call, the people at Hawks agency were used to him being a little late but this time he didn't show up for almost three hours. So Meija dialed Endeavors agency and fought her way through to him personally.
"Hello, is this Endeavor? I'm Hawks sidekick Meija Mirror and i really need to talk to you." Her voice was firm and even through the device you could hear her seriousness. It got the number one heros attention very fast and he stopped in his tracks, turned around and dissapeared in his office. He answered "Yes, what is it. Did something happen to Hawks?"
His face was still scrunched up to an angry look, yet he was worried. "That's what I wanted to ask you, he should have been here three hours ago and we can't reach him. It's very unusual for him to be this late to a patrol."
"Got it." Endeavor didn't need to hear anything more, he just hung up on her and pushed his doors open. He then yelled through the room his sidekicks worked in. "Cover my patrol that's starting in 20 minutes, i have to check up on a colleague."
Hawks you damn idiot, is that why you didn't answer my mail earlier?
The redhead basically shot though the air with his fire bursting behind him and within minutes he was standing in front of the blondes apartment complex. I really hope you didn't get yourself into trouble number two.
He just walked past the receptionist who was giving him a weird look already and very soon he was knocking on the door to Hawks apartment.
Endeavor huffs angrily and just breaks the door in two, barging into the number two heros home and examining every detail that fell into his eyes. A broken picture frame was on the floor and he then noticed the door to Hawks bedroom being open.
"Hawks!" He yells and cools down his flames when he already saw the other hero with his wings spread across the floor. "Hawks damn it, this one time i don't immediately come check in on you and this happens." Endeavor kneels to the ground and checks his pulse, exhaling relieved when there was one.
The next thing he did was to call for an ambulance.
He takes the shirt that was on the floor and puts it on the blondes head, pressing it on the wound and then carefully picking him up. He knew he wasn't supposed to just move his body in case of injuring his neck or anything further, but the redhead would not leave him there and also he knew what he was doing.
He held the blonde in his arms who seemed to be barely conscious and just walks back down, moving slowly to not shake Hawks head. The number one hero could hardly keep himself from looking down on the other worriedly.
He hated it, he hates worrying for someone. Espacially when he could have prevented it.
Endeavor scrunches his eyebrows angrily together and passes the hero to the paramedics, then throwing a deadly glance to the bystanders trying to take pictures.
"If I see one picture of this in the news I will come for everyone of you personally!" His flames burst around him making the people run away in an instant.
But there was one person who didn't budge.
"What are you gonna do hm? Why would you protect him, he does nothing but get beat up lately!" a guy yelled at him, raising his chin arrogantly.
He wasn't completely wrong, Hawks did get a lot of beating lately. But he wasn't useless, he risked his life and wellbeing every damn day for the citizens. Most people got that but apparently some out there didn't believe shit.
Now in this moment Endeavor was close to murdering this foul soul in front of him.
He yelled back "The reason he's constantly hurt is you fucking idiots, he's protecting defenseless assholes like you!" The redhead lost it in front of a few recording phones and went even as far as grabbing some of their devices and throwing them away. "Endeavor-san, please stop that and come on in. We have to go!"

Drop it like its hot | ᴰᵃᵇⁱʰᵃʷᵏˢ
FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...