Grow attached

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Dabi did his best to not smile like an idiot. "Don't be shy, I liked hearing it a lot." he softly grabs Hawks hips and leans against the wall. They sat uncomfortably on the floor when they could have just switched to the couch or anything.

The house was empty, you could tell it's owners left in a hurry.

"So, you called me because you're not feeling well? Don't think you should be doing that little bird." The villain began playing with the soft feathers of Hawks wings. Just gently rubbing them in between his fingers.

Hawks could feel it, it wasn't extreme but it made him feel better. Slowly he moved forward and pressed his forehead against Dabis.

"Just stay here with me, please. It doesn't have to be long." their lips almost touched, yet no one dared to move forward any further. The moment was perfect on it's own.

I'm such a coward. Hawks thought to himself, he knew he needed Dabis touch and presence more than anything. He was attached. This was definitely going to be the worst heartbreak he's going to experience in his life.

Dabi kept quiet, he wanted to say how madly he liked Hawks but his mouth was sealed shut.

Instead he just closed his eyes and nuzzled into the blondes neck, with a big sigh he continued petting the bright red feathers. So soft. Hawks feathers were so unbelievably soft and a little sensitive.

He got goosebumps.

"I maybe would've asked you on a date if things were different." Hawks whispered and almost immediately he could feel Dabis chest slightly shaking with a cackle. "Maybe?"

A weak grin spread across the heros face, but that was quickly replaced by a flustered expression when Dabi asked "Explain this quirk thing, you've been so hot and sweaty ever since you got here birdie." Oh, he only got the short version of the quirk thing I forgot.

"Well, you know how birds have mating season where they find a partner to breed etc?"

Dabi slowly pushed Hawks up so he could see his face, causing him to blush even more.

"Go on."

Oh god , what must he think now. "So, it's not that bad with me! I just feel the need for more closure and sex sometimes. But it stops once spring is over." "So once that happened, you don't hook up with that person anymore?"

"Sometimes I do, but not for long. Until now there's never been a deeper emotional connection other than just plain attraction with my partners." Hawks explained rather professionally, not even realizing how he had just basically admitted to feeling a deep connection to the villain.

"Until now you say?"

Dabis face was blank at first, he processed his words and then, he turned his head away to smile.

"You should smile more, looks good on you." God, his smile. I'd die to see that every day. Hawks forcefully turned Dabis head into his direction so he could see more of it.

The villain finally fought back the smile and their eyes met in a moment of clarity.

Then they kissed just like they did the many times before. But something seemed different. The way their lips moved against each other wasn't driven by want or need. Dabi and Hawks have made out before but this kiss? It awakened something warm.

Their lips parted for just a moment so they could breathe and the two shared a laugh.

Dabis hands grazed all over the blondes body, finding their way into Hawks short hair and playing with it. He noticed the burnt piece in the front, whispering "I'll kill anyone who dares to harm you."

Unsurprisingly Hawks couldn't find an answer for this and just bit his lip. He didn't want to encourage Dabi to kill his dad, it wasn't right. So he played around it.

"No one can harm me hot stuff, and if so I'll go for their asses myself." and with that he bumped his forehead against Dabis and took his lips under control again. He noticed every time how the villains lips were so rough and chapped, yet so skilled.

While Dabi thought the exact opposite, how Hawks lips were so silken and pillowy, but clumsy. It was almost too cute.

They forgot about their roles, their jobs and limits for a second.

Just a little bit of closure was all they wanted. But with each moment of this, they grew closer. The longer this kiss went, the deeper they lost themselves.

Again they pulled apart and the hero was the first to talk, the words just spluttered out of him. He needed to say something, this might be his last chance.

"Don't go, please. I- I like you okay?"

So pathetic, why am I begging for a villain? Hawks already regretted saying that but when he saw the serious expression on Dabis face, his stomach turned. Did he say something bad?

"You like me?" his eyes darkened, despite his heart fluttering. Would he be able to let someone in?

His plan was to die together with his dad, he couldn't let the bird hero prevent this. But he wanted to.

The first time someone ever liked him. He felt like exploding.

"Shut up, you heard me. Can I maybe just have another kiss before you need to go?" Hawks blushed, he hated blushing actually. But with Dabi he couldn't help it. Luckily the answer was "Anything for you, one last kiss little bird."

So they went. One kiss became two, two kisses became three and three kisses turned to deep love.

.    .    .    .    .

Published 26.06.23/ 940 words

The motivation is slipping so sorrryyyy, and this chapter took a little longer but I'll keep working 💪💪

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