Not long after All might and the others visited, Hawks decided he had enough. Enough of this stupid room and of this stupid rehabilitation training.
He felt fine! He's capable of working on his speaking on his own and he surely wasn't going to do anymore of these memory games. So he forced the doctor to sign him out and voila he was free again. The bird hero flew to his agency wearing nothing but a plain black shirt and grey sweatpants, of course he had shoes on but that was it. I'll have to say goodbye to my perfect apartment, maybe i should have moved out earlier?
Hawks landed on the rooftop and practically ran down the stairs to his office, hoping to not be seen but when would things ever go his way? "Sir, why are you here in pijamas?"
His secretary Mrs. Chiba stopped him before he could dissapear behind his door, scanning Hawks outfit and giving him a dissaproving look. The woman dressed in an all black suit did NOT like his attire. "Walking around as if you live here i see." "Just go back to work Judy." He jokingly snaps at her and closes the door, rolling his eyes but then breaking out in quiet laughter.
It was like a ritual, every now and then Hawks would show up in something unprofessional and earn a stern look or comment from her. At first he didn't care but someday he began returning the attitude and now there was this funny insider going around with everyone calling her jaded Judy.
Hawks deeply exhales and drops onto his office chair pulling out his brand new phone. "How many of my phones did he break already?" He mutters and makes a 180 turn on his chair, looking out the window front and staring at the now catastrophic city, it was bad before he got knocked out but now it was even worse. Now majority of the citizens have moved to the shelters which meant no ordinary patrol anymore, now it was just focus straight on the upcoming war.
He got a phone call from an unknown number and nosily accepts it, it could be anyone actually. He lost all of his contacts due to his last phone being burned to ashes. "Hello, who dis?"
"Hawks, you're like a crazy guy fleeing from the psychward you know. Why did you leave the hospital?" "Mirko, haha you found out?" He giggled to himself when he heard the angry voice of the bunny hero. She responds "If you're that better already move your ass to UA right now, we're doing a meeting." Hawks could tell she wasn't very amused, so he nods and gets up from his chair. "Alright, thanks for inviting me. I really want to help despite what happened."
They hang up and now he walks up to his closet, the day he got his new costume was also the day he requested more of them be stored in his office. Luckily he had an easy game getting dressed now and within minutes he was all ready, pulling his glasses over the bandage on his head and then the ear protectors.
Outside it was a little rainy now but he didn't mind at all, as long as it was still warm. The hero sneaks up to the rooftop and this time he ran towards the end, jumping off in the last second and then gliding through the rain already. Ah, how great. Hawks analysed the city from above, sighing at the sight of empty streets and destroyed homes.
The closer he got to UA the more he realized he was gonna make a fool of himself for not knowing their names, he did remember to call Mrs. Chiba Judy though? That doesn't mean he automatically remembers everyone now.
The number two hero lands in front of UA and walks through the security measures, due to the rain most people were hiding in their houses but the few people running around outside greeted him with a nervous smile. He returned them a happy wave and continued his way to the building, going up the elevator until he was just right in front of the door where the pro heros were holding their meeting. And to be honest? He was nervous!
However there was no time to be nervous because someone already sensed his presence and pulled the door open, revealing him to the many professionals now scanning him up and down. A little confused he nods at the big flame guy who had let him in and then walks inside without another word. Huh, weird. I don't remember his face either? Must be someone new i guess.

Drop it like its hot | ᴰᵃᵇⁱʰᵃʷᵏˢ
FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...