Minutes passed and there was still no change, Hawks body was frozen in place and he was unable to move at all.
He kept his head on Dabis chest listening to the weak heartbeat, completely distraught and not even realizing some people leaving. "Hawks, please step away. He won't make it." All might slowly pat his back and patiently waited for an answer. When there was none, he gently pulled the blonde into an upright position.
All might saw his bloodshot and swollen eyes.
He'd never seen him cry like this, no one did. So you could guess the stunned reactions. I hate their faces, why are they looking at me like that? Hawks rubbed his eyes and shakily let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
I can cry too, I'm human.
He thought he'd gotten a hold of himself but another wave of hysteria hit him and he broke down again. All might kept a hand on his back for support but that was all he could do. Someone who also watched in shock was Endeavor, he had known about the love that had blossomed between him and the villain.
But the realization only got to him now.
Unbreakable hero? No, there is no such thing. "Don't do this to me, don't go!" he wept and soon there was movement. The blonde didn't see it, too caught up in his own sadness.
But the rest did.
Endeavor and All might shot each other a terrified look when one little piece of Dabis body went back to it's original color. The healing had actually started! "Young Keigo, I think he can hear you." the former number one scooched closer and pulled Hawks back up a little less gentle. "He what?" "It's working, stay calm and talk to him."
It's seriously working, but what if the healing kills him?
But he swept away his tears anyway and watched as the burnt bits turned normal. When he finally found his voice again, he whispered something for only Dabi to hear.
"You can do this, I'll never leave your side if you make it." the hero put a hand on the villains cheek as soon as it turned back. His skin now touching what used to be burnt since the moment they met.
Even the prior burns are healing?
"I love you and I always will, no matter where you are."
He had no idea what to do beside wait and watch the miracle happen. All he could do was pick up some fabric from the ground and use it to cover Dabi. Shortly after the sun began to set and they were left in the dark, making it hard to see.
The only sound heard was the motor of a car approaching them. And so the healing stopped leaving the villain now fully healed.
Hawks gently turned Dabis head towards him and soon their eyes met. Not a second passed before the blonde leaned forward to connect their lips, it wasn't a long kiss. Just a short peck. Still it was enough for the villain to be filled with energy, Hawks pulled back and just continously wiped his own tears away.
"Keep your eyes on mine, don't sleep yet." With a sad smile he scrunched his eyes and leaned over to pull more fabric on top of his body.
That was when the villain finally opened his mouth, whispering "I can't believe I'm fucking alive..." argh, this idiot. As if it wasn't irritating enough to look at his scarless face! "Shut it, I thought you were gonna die. Just stay calm and try to regain some energy."
The sun had completely gone down by now, so they decided it was time to go. With a feeling of dread, Hawks let Endeavor carry Dabi into a car and they spend en eternity sleeping. The two lovebirds ended up on the backseat alone, the villain on his lap just resting. Before Hawks dozed off too, he stared out the window.
Was the war finally over?
Everything was out of order, people didn't have homes or anything left and most importantly, people died. And Hawks almost lost someone too.
Isn't it ironic? Us driving back home with one of the country's greatest villains in the car? It is, but this so called 'greatest villain' was nothing more than a broken spirit yearning for trust.
Hawks just kept his mouth shut and run his fingers over Dabis skin, silently dropping his head back and falling asleep.Only for a moment it stayed quiet, when All might slipped a sigh. Next to him was Endeavor.
"Did you know about them?" the redhead eyed the former hero from the side, only receiving a shrug. "The signs were there, I should have known. If I only connected the dots earlier, maybe I could have prevented this tragic love story." All might took a sharp corner, causing the other to hold on tighter.
Endeavors face was completely blank, not showing one emotion. He just asked "Is it a tragic love story? They're both alive and seemingly well." "You know exactly what I mean Endeavor."
It got awfully quiet again.
"Don't make me say it." All mights shoulders dropped, he didn't know how else things would go soon. He also didn't know how to say it.
The number one hero took a deep breath, looking back and scanning the face of his eldest son. He looked like a fiery copy of his mother.
"I know already, he will be sent to tartarus once everything is in place. Am I right?" All might didn't answer and just kept both hands on the steering wheel. "I really am a fool, of course he will be imprisoned..." so as the minutes passed, they finally reached their destination far away from the battlefield. Just right before Endeavor could open the car door, All might grabbed his shoulder. What he said made things even worse.
"Hawks probably too."
. . . . .
Published 25.10.23 / 990 words
Hahaaa I'm so sorry it took so long. I was really unhappy with what I had written and only came to terms with it now. So please enjoy and hopefully the next chapter will be coming faster!

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FanfictionHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...