The born liar

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A hell ton of worry hit Hawks while he was on his way, this time he was actually concerned.

He would have to put a perfect lie on the table and get away with it, would he be able to do it? Or should he just confess to falling for Dabi and promise to end the job himself, which he can't do? Hard decision. Either way, he was fucked and lost the trust of his colleagues.

The bird man lands in front of the UA barrier and goes through the security measurements, the sun hit the school in a such beautiful way it made him wonder how this could be a war shelter. 

It didn't even take a minute before he was already met with two deep dark eyes scanning every inch of his body. Hawks lifts his hand to wave hello and the next moment both of his hands were tied together. Fuck, luckily there were only a few people walking around to see this. The few citizens who saw it gasped out loud upon seeing their number two hero get treated this way.

"You really had the nerve to walk in and out of this school as you wished, I can't believe it." The stoeic hero roughly pulls the fabric around Hawks hands and the blonde just went along with it.

"Aizawa-san, you really don't need to be worried. I'll explain it okay?" he kept his voice calm and but the underground hero didn't have any of it. His students had been around someone with direct connections to the enemy, anything could have happened. He was outraged inside. Hawks tried to keep it together for the sake of not worrying the civilians watching him get arrested.

"Shut up until we're in the office, Nezu will be questioning you."

Hawks nods understanding and this time he was aggressively shoved forward into the building. Geez, this is really serious... He thought and walked through the Hallways, his wings twitched nervously and very soon they arrived at a huge door. This is not the teachers office, it's Nezus personal office?

Oh god, it's gonna be okay. I have a perfect excuse prepared.

Aizawa grabs his shoulder and pushes him inside the office, where a few familiar eyes meet his. It wasn't just Nezu, All might was also there alongside Mirko and Deku. He sighs and stands still in front of the desk, letting their suspicious gazes eat him up.

"Let's not beat around the bush for too long, Hawks. I heard you've been in contact with someone from the league?" the mouse man asked with his usual polite expression. "I hope you understand we have to take this very seriously, you've been around our shelter and students a lot and it's our duty to keep them from any danger." danger huh?

Again the blonde just sighs and locks eyes with the bunny hero who was quietly standing next to Deku. Her face did not show any type of reaction upon seeing him like that. While Deku looked at him with so much disappointment written on his face. It hadn't been long since the brokkoli head returned to the school and now he had to deal with their number two hero get caught in something like this. Not long after the UA traitor had also been busted.

"You've got it all wrong, Nezu. I know how this looks and I'm willing to explain it to you, if you let me."

Hawks voice seemed strained from his whole body tensing up, his body language was only showing the usual amount of nervosity from getting arrested like this. His wings fluttered open and next thing he knew, Aizawa had both of his wings in a tight grip and pushed him down on a chair.

Suprised he yelped out in pain.

Mirko stepped forward gritting her teeth in anger "Eraserhead, you're doing too much. I know you've been on edge ever since one of your students had been revealed as a traitor but at least listen to him you idiot." she growls at him and gets pulled back by All might, who has been suspiciously quiet through the whole ordeal. 

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