There he was again, walking around the school building after being questioned like a criminal. He stared out a window, looking at the skyline from above. He slowly reached up and touched his bare neck, still not being able to change in something he can cover up all the marks with. Dabi really went all out last night, god damn.
Tomorrow was the day everything would be decided, the final battle.
Somehow it was more peaceful than usual, as if every animal knew to get as far away as possible. No birds were chirping and through the big windows he also couldn't see any flying around. Why did he wish to just also fly away and never look back? Hawks liked his life, somehow.
He wanted to stay in his thoughts for a little longer but the black haired underground hero approached him from behind, he knew about Aizawas presence due to his feathers alerting him. "Do you like lingering around the school for longer than needed?" Aizawa asked and thank fucking god Hawks was a patient man.
"Do you like looking like a homeless person every day?" he fired back and turned to the other with a sly grin. "Bet you never bagged a hot guy, am I right?"
"Enough, I'm not here to talk about my private life." Aizawa steps closer to Hawks, words like this don't really hurt him. He's heard worse than that. "Why don't you just leave and do literally anything else?" he asks and earns a long dramatic sigh from the blonde.
Hawks knew he was still not completely trusted, the accusations had been rough.
"You really wanna know?" his voice is coarse and rather less playful, he leaned against the window to not look uncomfortable. His unusual tone got Aizawas attention and he stands still right in front of Hawks nose, waiting for the answer. "I don't have anything to do, barely anyone to talk to and my apartment is still closed down. What do you want me to do?"
This made the undeground hero think for a moment, he didn't came after Hawks to hear that but it calmed him down.
Aizawa realized he went too far.
"I'm sorry." he muttered and lowered his gaze. "I still don't trust you too much but i apologize, it's just the stress and sleep deprivation." and with that Aizawa takes a step back. Sleep was all he needed and he felt bad to have attacked Hawks like this. But what else should he have done? At least the party at the class 1A dorms was over so he could finally get some rest.
Luckily Hawks understood, he didn't want any bad blood in between them. "It's fine, i know what I'm doing is very suspicious. I would never hurt your kids so just go already, I'll be on my way too then."
The two exchanged an awkward look and with that Aizawa just walked away, leaving the blonde in the hallway. There wasn't anything left for them to talk about, but suddenly the stoeic hero remembered something and turned back to Hawks.
"I forgot to tell you about Endeavor, he got busy and wanted to see you in his office today." without waiting for an answer he dissapeared around the corner. Oh god, they definetly told him by now. I don't even want to think about what he's going to do to me. He thought and brushed through his hair. His fingers grazed over the bandage on his head and again he got reminded to finally change it.
This can wait, maybe I'll do it at Endeavors place if he has mercy with me.
The bird man clicks his tongue and makes his way down the UA building, now less nervous he strolled down the houses and took a look at his phone. Battery is still dead, i really wanted to give him a quick call ugh.
As soon as Dabis face worked it's way into his thoughts, he was starting to feel the effects of spring again. He needed touch and he needed it badly, so badly he was willing to fly back to this damn treehouse and see if the villain was still there. But he had to keep it down or he would get riled up again. His body temperature already started rising and that was a bad sign. Like, really bad.
The moment he left the UA barrier he was flying again, shooting through the air like a bullet to get his mind distracted. His wings flapped up and down gracefully making it able for him to just smoothly move with the wind. Firstly he needed to stop at his old apartment, he wasn't allowed to enter but who gives a shit? He bought it. All he needed to do was to change his shirt and maybe cook. That's all.
Instead of flying straight into his apartment he just used the elevator like a normal person. Just like back when his wings were still healing.
"Home sweet home?" He smiled to himself and entered his beloved apartment, not realizing there was already someone inside. Hawks had his guard down due to him being in his old home and just marched straight inside without a single worry in mind. It was barely eleven in the morning, allowing the sun to just shine into the apartment. Really one of his favorite features of this place. So what does somebody do after a stressfull morning and coming back home?
He stripped off his jacket and shirt, didn't even waste a second.
The bird hero stretched his arms and wings and mindlessly walked over to his closet, when suddenly there was movement on his right side. His body froze and his head snapped around, five big feathers shot forward and only in the very last moment he realized who this person was. Just as fast as he send out his feathers, he pulled them back. Now the other Intruder slipped a big sigh, not even he had been able to react as fast as Hawks did.
The big readhead stood in the doorframe, immediately stopping his attempt in approaching the blonde.
"What on earth are you doing here Endeavor?" "I knew you'd come here, so i waited" the flame hero said with his usual fiery demeanor. Endeavor tried to remain eye contact, but his gaze slipped down to the wing heros body. He noticed the scratches, burns and bitemarks scattered all over his body and grunts in anger. You could see his blood start to boil. Hawks grinned at him nervously "How about i get dressed first?"
"come here, now."
The blonde clicked his tongue in a dissaproving manner, but walked over anyway. It can't be that bad. He thought
. . . . .
published 02.06.23/ 1100 words
I kinda want Hawks to fuck with Endeavor once but i know i can't just do it because i wanna. It would affect the story to much sadly. Same with Eraser haha.

Drop it like its hot | ᴰᵃᵇⁱʰᵃʷᵏˢ
FanficHawks had been hospitalized for a long time after the fight and his wings had still not properly regrown. At first he thought Dabi had burned them beyond repair but his feathers were slowly coming back, taking their sweet time. However he didn't an...