All those years ago

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Hawks panicked but the dust made it unable to see past the air, he coughed up the little dust particles and covered his nose.

The World looked horrifyingly post apocalyptic, he almost couldn't tell which way was up an down. Dabi, I shouldn't have dropped you. It seemed like a good plan to us but at what cost? "Please be okay, I beg you..." the blonde was too far away for anyone to hear, so he slowly flew back down and out of the dust. Landing was hard on his bruised legs and they gave in.

"Hawks, you have a lot of explaining to do! You-" Aizawa was cut off by Meija rushing past him and catching her boss mid fall.

The mirror hero carefully put him on the ground and took the glasses off his face. And one more look confirmed his eardrums were busted. "Boss, can you hear me?" she looked down on him with such care it even made the underground hero finally calm down. Again, he should put more trust in him.

Hawks just nodded at her and took this moment to just breathe. His body ached with such severity he wouldn't even know which part was broken.

Most likely a leg or something.

"I have to look for Dabi, it's my fault this happened. This idiot, even did it no questions asked." after a moment he sat himself up and was met with not only two, but three pairs of eyes. Zoom helped Hawks get on his feet but not without a hard hit on the shoulder.

The blonde whined and barely managed to stand on two legs. Thank God the adrenaline was numbing his injuries. "Ouch, I get it!"

Zoom sighed in defiance and pointed behind him, where the dust had lifted a little bit. He had been shocked but also a little disappointed to see what had formed between his boss and their enemy. The four of them walked over to where the explosion happened. And what they saw shocked them to say the least.

"No, no no please. You helped me and I still did this to you!" Hawks choked out a sob and ran past the others. His eyes filled with tears. AFO had been successfully defeated, burned to bits to an unrecognizable piece of ashes. And right next them there was Endeavor holding someone tightly in his arms.

Someone with dull eyes and all of his skin burned. But you could still tell who it was by the color of his eyes.

"Endeavor?" Hawks approached them and was followed up by the others right behind him. A sharp pain coarsed through his chest when he finally saw them.

He hated Endeavor with passion but this scenery? Never would he get over this. A father with his eldest son in his arms. "Are you two okay?" Hawks sat down across the flame hero and his eyes were fixated on the miraculously still alive Dabi. He's still here!

Endeavor didn't answer, his throat was closed up and a few tears slipped down his face. His son finally choose the right path but this?

It was like all those years ago.

"Take him, he's still hot but he needs it." the redhead finally choked out and put Dabi into Hawks arms. The villain couldn't move, his body was barely alive and still butningly hot. Still, Hawks closed his arms around him no questions asked. He burned his own skin on Dabi but he had to do this.

Endeavor broke down crying and bowed his head down to hide it. No one was judging him though. Especially not Hawks.

He was sobbing too, just like a child. The few feathers that formed his wings closed themselves around his shoulders. Like they were protecting him and Dabi from the outside world. The blonde felt all eyes on him but he couldn't care less, all he saw were those deep blue eyes that belonged to his lover.

'Please you can't go.'

Hawks wanted to scream out those worda but Dabi knew. He just knew.

All life was being sucked out of the villain with each second, he couldn't talk or move. He was just laying in Hawks arms thinking about all the things he never told him. He deserved to hear how much I loved him, Hawks, how can I ever thank you for waking those feelings I had locked up inside?

His dull eyes grazed over Hawks beat up face, his chapped lips and his messed up hair.

And those eyes. Oh god those eyes.

He could bathe in the color of Hawks eyes, so golden and so luminous. In his last moments all he wanted to see was a smile, yet his heart ached with all the tears that streamed down his face.

When Hawks looked up from his lover, he saw another rainbow. And then there was a soft tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see how the bystanders had dissappeared, only Endeavor, Aizawa and Meija were left. And two new faces he hadn't thought would ever step a foot into the war zone.

All might? What was he doing here?

"Young Keigo, I brought someone who might help." Toshinori didn't even realize he said Hawks name, luckily barely anyone cared.

Now the wing hero saw who hid behind the former symbol of peace. The sweet old lady stared at him, the number two hero with bloodshot eyes from crying for a villain. Ironic. "I can try to heal him, but I can't make any promises Hawks. Is he still alive?" she asked and made the bird man put Dabi down on the ground.

Endeavor finally raised his voice. "You have to try, he was the one who killed All for one!"

It was like an order and no one dared to move. Only recovery girl did and she sat down next to Dabi, examining his body and getting ready to activate her quirk. "My quirk won't do anything if he already died, and even if he is still alive, the amount of energy the healing process would take could kill him then."

Hawks wasn't hearing any of it, he needed his favorite person back.

"Do it, my feathers can still sense a weak heartbeat. Do it now!" panicked he leaned forward and rests his head on Dabis burnt stomach. Recovery girl sighed and massaged her head. "No one has ever survived a kiss of mine looking like this..."

With an uneasy feeling she pressed a kiss onto the villains head and waited, just like everyone else did.

"Who says he's gonna continue being on our side if he survives? Maybe-" "Aizawa just shut up, one more word and I'm gonna fucking murder you!"


And even more silence after nothing still happened, not a thing on Dabi changed.

I know he's gonna come back, he always does.

.    .    .    .    .

Published 31.08.23/ 1150 words

Sorry if there are any typos or something, I still have to correct the chapter but I still wanted to upload now haha

We're now fr coming to an end soon I guess💃

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