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before reading this book, please keep in mind that it has subjects of r@pe and other things such as that.

If you are uncomfortable, please don't read this and please don't try stur trouble with me (the author) as I've seen other authors get in trouble for this

Just remember: everything will be a healthy relationship between genya and muichiro, and the rape isn't between them, so it's not anything nasty

Thank you, please read the TW in the description if needed

Muichiro pov

"Mum-?!" I yell, covering my ears.. I was so scared, yui and I were cramped up in a closet together and there were loud bangs..

"Mum what's going on-?!" I ask, panicked. She was covering where we were in blankets, clothes, jackets. Anything to cover us up. "Its okay mui- it's okay.. j-just stay here- stay with yui okay-?" She says, tears streaming down her face. She stroked my hair lightly, her hand shaking of fear. There was a bit of blood on her hand, staining the teal ends of mine and yuis hair as she lightly stroked it

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Someone yelled, we heard a loud crash.. "fuck-! Stay here mui- yui take care of your brother.. please.." she said, shaking and crying. She then closet the closet door and ran out the room.

"NO! P-PLEASE- WHAT DO YOU WANT-?!" I heard her yelling, stuttering and sobbing uncontrollably, I heard a gunshot.. yui flinched at the loud noise and tried moving infront of me, protecting me if anyone found us..

We heard our mother scream on the top of her lungs.. yui started crying. I've never seen him cry..

"WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?! WHERE ARE THEY?!" The people screamed at our mother.. "I DONT KNOW! I- PLEASE DONT HURT THEM- I DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" She says, sobbing between every word.. following another gunshot..

"Yui.. I love you.." I turn to yui, hugging him. "I love you too mui.." He said, sobbing and hugging back. "I don't want to die yui.. I don't want either of us to..." I sniffled into him, "it's okay mui.. you'll be okay.." He says, rubbing my back.

"Mui, we have to be quie-" yui was cut off by someone breaking the bedroom door down. He froze and covered my mouth. "Sh-hhh" He let out, shaking.

"We know your in there~" we hear.. yui started moving around. "I love you mui.." He said, pushing me away and walking out the closet. "Yui-?!" I whisper shout. "Yui don't leave me! Yui your going to die!" I whisper shout, sobbing and shaking trying to drag him back but he pushed me off..

"There you are~" a man said, he was covered in blood as yui walked towards him. He hit yui in the head and he fell to the ground. "Where is your brother?" They asked, yui just gagged due to falling to the ground, he punched yui in the head. I froze, putting my hands over my mouth and sobbed. "WHERE IS HE?!" they shouted at yui, he shook his head. "He's.. at a friend's house.." He spat out, coughing violently.

They shot yui and he started crying. "WHERE IS HE-?!" they yelled, yui sobbed and covered where they shot him, "at a friend's house.. I don't know where they are but he isn't home!" He says, coughing and bleeding everywhere. The guy nods before shooting yui one more time, then leaves the house.

"YUI-?!" I screech, running out of the closet and to my brother. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT-?!" I yelled at him, shaking him and crying my eyes out. "I.. love you mui.." He said, looking at me in the eyes while his eyes started to form tears. "NO, YOU ARE NOT DYING ON ME. YUI! YUI-?!" I scream, shaking him as his eyes went dull..

"Yui..?" I say..

He was..


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