chapter twenty four

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Okay so, to anyone reading the school au at the moment, I'm sorry, I don't have too much control over that book anymore other than writing it, I'm not going into detail, but yeah, someone's been wanting stuff in it and I'm adding it, it's getting a bit hard to comprehend, I'm sorry

Mui pov

“Okay.. This is where genya told me to go..”

I looked around, not seeing anyone.. Not even genya..

How the hell is he supposed to grade me if he can't even see me- is he dumb or something?

No I shouldn't say that, he's not dumb, if he is then.. I'm a bit worried about my education-

I looked around before hearing a noise and immediately reached for my knife holster..

I snapped and checked behind me.. No one..

I don't normally realise how dangerous this job is until the second I think about.. The shit I do to them, they could easily do to me back.. If they have weapons.. Easily, this could've been the last time I called akaza dad and told him I was thankful for him..

I mean, I hate thinking that, but it's quite tru-

I snapped out my thoughts the second I saw someone..

They're a man.. Maybe old..? They look.. Eh, I can't tell the age.. Over fourty for sure..

Oh shit they have guns and that as well..

Okay mui you fucking dumb as.. You just jinxed yourself..

I started trying to calm myself down before hiding behind beams to get closer to him.. We were in an abandoned parking lot.. So although it was basically just a blank room.. There were places to.. Well.. Sneak? Hide? Whatever..

I kept sneaking until I got close to him.. I was at least.. a few meters away.. Hiding..

This man.. He definitely does sketchy shit.. He has guns and is most likely on drugs.. I don't know if I should go out in the open.. I think I'll need to attack from the back..

I watched as they turned around.. I wanted to catch a glimpse of their face..

I.. Who is that..?

They seem all too familiar.. But I don't think I've ever seen them.. Who..

“You fucker” I immediately said out loud..

They snapped their head in my direction as I leaped on top of him, trying to restrain him but he was trying to do the same for me..

“How fucking dare you?! How dare you kill my brother?! How dare you kill my mother?!”

He.. He was the one who killed them.. I recognize that face.. The slightly stubbled chin and burn on the cheek…

He gave me s grin, “You're the little shit who was hiding! Huh?!” He fought back, I started crying.. I couldn't control it.. This man fucked my life over.. From the age of nine.. He made my life the hell it is.. He made me the way I am..

“Yeah! Yeah I fucking am! What're you going to do?!” I yelled, I watched as he struggled to move his arm but went to grab the gun from my pocket..

I quickly moved and slid my knife across the back of his hand.. Making him move it back..

“I'm going to make you pay for every last thing you've done to them..” I said, giving him an evil smile, almost like something had taken hold of me.. When I'm angry.. I'm not mui.. I'm someone else entirely..

I started hiccuping between my angry and frustrated sobs.. Stabbing and dragging my dagger through any non vital parts of his body.. Hoping to chase the most excruciatingly painful.. And slow death imaginable..

“Not only did you kill my mother.. And my brother.. But you ended a nine year old boy.. Who had so much in life ready for him.. But you fucked his brothers life over too.. You killed my mother.. I was alone.. Alone and fucking afraid..”

I kept dragging it and ripping through his skin.. I couldn't control it.. I was so overtaken by my emotions.. And thoughts..

I started screaming and punching.. Kicking.. Stabbing.. Until I got tired.. And slowed down..

I sat there on top of his chest.. Dagger in hand..

He lay there.. Almost lifeless.. He was hanging on by a thread or two.. He had been getting stabbed for a while now.. Almost like.. What happened to yui..

“... Could I do one thing.. Before I die-?” “The fuck do you want?”

He quickly turned his head weakly.. And then trembled his hand and arm up..

Before I reacted.. He cut down my cheek.. It was extremely deep..

I held my hand over it.. Shocked.. Before attempting to stab him again..

“Muichiro?! Are you crazy?!” I heard.. I looked over.. Genya..

He quickly picked me up from under my armpits.. And dragged me off the man, holding me.. My legs around his waist and making sure I couldn't move..

He shot the guy, in the head.. One bang and he was.. Gone..

“Are you kidding..?! You're meant to kill in one hit.. ONE!” He told me, holding me close before checking my cheek..

“He… he killed yui..” I spoke out, completely miserable, genya immediately gave me a look, “Mui, come on, you can't act like this..” “He deserved to die.. I hope he suffered.. I hope he suffers even more.. In the fucking firey depths of hell…” I spoke out.. Clinging to him before throwing my team dagger into his bashing out body, it went through the skin and stood up..

“I… I gave him.. I did.. I did it.. I evenged yui.. And mama…”

That's what I joined for..

But… I don't want to leave..

I accomplished what I wanted.. But.. This isn't the end of assassins.. No.. Fuck no..

This was the start..

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