chapter three

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Mui pov

"Hmm.. Cafe?? Maybe a barrista?" She said, putting my hsir up and letting it fall out of her hands, "eh.. I don't think it's the type of job for me.." I say, "ohh, algood. Hmm- what's omitting that matches your personality?" She asks herself, but I decided to try answer the question aswell.

"I don't really know.. how would you describe me? You can be honest" I tell her

"Sassy, you fucking love dirty jokes. Uh- quite brave, your quite nice but could definitely beat someone to death if you wanted to" She tells me. I chuckled slightly "you flatter me" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"This might sound weird or something but.. I kinda want a job with action or violence.." I tell her, she stops playing with my hair. "Hit man? That seems like you but at the same time.. it doesnt" She says, "what's that?" I ask. She kinda just stuttered, "you don't know-" she asks, "I do, just not completely what it entails of" I say

"Doing things for people that are violent and shit, but I guess it has some.. other things to it.." she says, "other things..?" I ask,  "rape.. torture.." she says, I shake my head. "Definitely not.. I would never do that to someone, especially rape.. that's horrible. Plus I don't like sex" I say, she chuckles. "What?" I ask,

" I dOnT lIkE sEx- says the person who makes literally the worst dirty jokes known to man" She jokes, "I like dirty jokes, I'd never fuck though.." I say, she raises an eyebrow "never?" She says, smirking slightly. "Maybe not never, but if I find the right woman I might" I say,

"There's no way it'll be a woman, your a fagg" she says bluntly, I choke. "WHAT" I say ouloud, she laughs. "Faggy mui" She laughs. I stand still, trying not to laugh. "Aight, hair privileges are gone now, gimme my hairtye-" I say jokingly

She tugs on my hair, "ah-! dont-" I tell her. "Sorry- I do it with inosuke-" she apologizes. "That poor man" I joke. "He still hasn't come back with my GODDAMN CURRY" She says, going to text him.

"Hey, if I were to do something like a hit man without you know.. would I have to uh.." I say, grabbing a portion of my hsir and making a scissor motion.

She pauses, then slightly frowns. "Maybe, not short though. Probably just to the middle of your back, but that's pretty short for you huh?" She says, stroking a tiny but of my hair. I nod, "bun. Just like you always do, they won't know" She tells me. I nod, she paused. About to say something

"What about an assasin?"

I pause,


. . .

and that's how it started..

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