chapter seventeen

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Mui pov

I knocked on the door, I heard some stuff going on inside, "ino, please be nice.. he's going through alot right now and you arent making it any better." Ahe said before opening the door, "Hello mui, come in" she said, guiding me in, inosuke was standing there.. I felt really off..

"Hello" I said, waving at inosuke, yet looking away from him entirely. "I'm sorry'' he said, that was quick, I really didn't expect him to admit to it so fast...

I nodded "thank you, but I don't think you mean it" I told him, he shot up at me, "I do mean it.." "cool, I don't think you do though" I told him, he just sighed. "Alright then, don't accept it" He said, walking near me, to aoi, she quickly nudged my arm, signaling for me to sit down as he whispered something to her. She looked suprised, and then nodded, telling him to sit down

He sat down, opposite to me, aoi continued cooking, she wasn't done yet.

"So mui, how's work..?" He asked, I nodded, "it's alright.. what about yours? Do you work..?" I asked, trying to hold back an insult. "Not really, I help aoi at her work though"

No suprise. Of course he doesn't work

Aoi was almost done, she just let it cool down a bit and walked over to us, she sat behind me and touched my hair, I nodded, to which she took out my bun, and spread my hair out

She lightly stroked it, messing it up the slightest, but she was just getting it out of the shape of the bun. She split my hair through a part in the middle and put it infront, both sides, "you should wear your hair out more, mui-" she told me, coming beside me and lightly braiding one side "Nah nah.. people will for sure judge me.. and or actually pull or cut my hair, and I really don't want that again.." I said with a nervous chuckle at the end, "I can see why he wouldn't, I mean- when he was younger, it must've been hard having it cut, so now it'd be worse." Inosuke said, I nodded, aoi nodded, she then gathered all my hair and out it behind my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, not in a rude way, but in a curious tone. "Putting it in a braid so it doesn't get in your food" she said happily, braiding my long hair, I never minded her doing this with my hair. Infact, I really enjoyed it.. I don't have anyone to do this to my hair other than mitsuri.. and mama.. she passed a long time ago now..

I suddenly got a text.. Genya..?




I'd like to have a meeting with you. Your doing really well and I'd like to have you as a sidekick.

I started to shake..

Holy crap..

I just quickly put my phone down to pretend nothing happened, I could see over my shoulder aoi saw, or stleast a little, she raised her eyebrows at me

"What was that..?" She asked, trying to pick up my phone, I took it out if her hand and slightly shook my head, signaling I didn't want her to look, she then nodded and put the phone back on the table.

She nodded and put my hair back behind me, she stood up to go give us our dinner.

                                At home

"Hey dad! I'm just gonna check something for my job!" I said, rushing into my bedroom.

I check the text again, taking my hair out and shaking

Holy crap..

This is crazy..

Yes, of course, when should we meet?

My heart was pounding.. This was unreal.. It didn't feel right-

Am I really that good-?!

I put my head back, and let my hair spread everywhere while I braid a small chunk. "This is crazy.. You did it.." I spoke, gathering the rest of my hair and stroking it

I can't stop checking my phone for a notification.. Holy shit..

I'll.. I'll do it..

I can evenge Yui.. Mama.. And dad..

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