chapter nineteen

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Mui pov

I let my eyes adjust to the light peeping through my curtains and I lightly open them, stretching my arms and yawning

"What time is it..?" I ask myself, scanning the underneath of my pillow before feeling a phone, I grab it and turn it on to check the time..

8:30..? Man that's too early..

"I don't wanna get up.." I say in a grumpy tone to myself, bouncing back onto my bed, I heard akaza coming and quickly went to tie my hair up, but I had no hair the on my wrist and it was only the motion,

"good morning, buddy! I made you breakfast in bed"

he said, placing the tray down next to me, I immediately took my hands out of my hair and felt it flow down my back as I looked at the food. "Oh my god.. Thank you dad!! I promise I'll try do some chores or something.. I can make dinne-" "No need, you seem to be doing really well at the moment and I'm proud of you" he said, patting me on the head before lightly running his fingers through a strand of hair

I smiled, it felt so nice- I felt so happy.. "Thank you so much.. Your amazing.. Honestly.." I said, he smiled too, "these are the strawberries we grew, cmon, you know you wanna try them-" he said, pointing at the strawberries and youghurt bowl, I smiled and took a spoonful, eating it..

They were so good.. Perfect really..

"They're amazing!" I barely let out, holding all the youghurt in my mouth, he chuckled, "yeah, I tasted one this morning, it was really nice, one of the red ones" he said, I smiled, akazas so nice..

"Hey if you don't mind, would I be allowed to brush your hair? I just don't see it out often and I think it's really pretty" he asks, I sit there, holding a spoonful of the youghurt, thinking, "or are you too sensitive to that yet..?" He asks, I shake my head, "just feels weird since I've his it from you for so long.. I feel bad-" I tell him, he shakes his head "I know why you would, if you don't want me to then I won't, and I won't ask, I'll let you ask me" he says, I nod, "sorry.. You know it's just off for me.. Thank you for understanding" I said, he smiled

"no worries, I'd say eat up because you have a meeting today, right?" He asked, I nodded softly, "Ohh, Mhm, I'll leave you to be then" he said, petting my head gently and walking to the door, "bye byee!" I said, he smiled "bye byeee" he said, walking and and lightly shutting the door behind me.

I finished the food pretty fast.. It was so good... So I got up to put my food on the bench, then ran back into my room to get ready.

The meeting was at night.. But I'm gonna get ready now, I'm just so excited- and scared.. But mainly excited

I sat down with my my brush and brushed my ridiculously long hair, I have to lay it down on the bed to brush the bottoms sometimes, and seperating it can be super frustrating-

Gen pov

I sit in my office, I've been here for a good ten minutes, muichiro should be here any minute now

I heard a knock on the door and let them in, to see him. "Hello, how are you?" I asked him, he nodded while softly closing the door, and making his way to sit down on the chair I placed for him "good thank you, how about you?" He asked back, I nodded, "that's nice, I'm doing well thank you" I reply, and he follows it by giving a small nod

"So, how do you think you've been going as an assassin?" I ask him, he thinks for a little bit, "I think I'm doing pretty good, I just don't seem like the others.. I don't know why.. They always seem- different.." He said, I nodded, "they are different, that's why, your soft and kind, you have a side for killing, but they aren't like that, you'd easily deal with a problem where as they'd just bottle up and do something else" I told him, he seemed surprised,

"and I mean that in a good way, it means you still have a heart, and I know you probably don't think your mean enough, but you need to still have some sympathy"

His face sorta lit up before he gave me another nod, "but don't I need to be tougher..?" He asked, I shook my head, "your doing perfect, the others are just extremely.. They aren't like you, and you don't need to change that" I tell him, he nods once again, "you don't need to be tough, you just need to get the job done" I tell him, I he looks down with a tiny little nod,

"it just.. Ah- because tanjiro and tha-" "tanjiro was really nice, extremely kind, just like you, now look at him, you can't let yourself change like that" I cut him off, he looked slightly confused, "what..?" He asked, "yeah, he used to be the kindest person here, and he's quite tough now, he's a whole different person" I tell him, he nods and looks down, worried

"About him, is everything okay between you two? He seems pretty weird to you" I ask, he nods "he just keeps calling me hot.. Doing.. Other weird things to me, he liked my hand the other day, while staring me right in the eyes.." He told me, I found it awfully weird,

"huh.. Try your best to stay away from him, if you feel worse I wont put you two together" I told him, he shook his head lightly "No no it's okay, I need to deal with it, I've dealt with slot worse than that, I can do it-" he said, I sighed, "if your okay with that.."

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