chapter seven

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Genya pov

He looked tall. Probably around 5'11. But that was quite short compared to me. Long black hair that I'm assuming faded to teal due to the bun in his hair being teal and the parts near his head are black.

"You can call me genya." I tell him, he was quite..

Androgynous.. body and voice of a male, but slight feminine facial features like his eyes and lips. And his long hair.

"You can call me mui." He replies, he seemed both very innocent and sweet, but could beat your ass easily.

"Very nice, so. Would you like to become an assasin?" I ask him, he nods quickly. He was clearly trying to act tough, even though he for sure was not

"Why did you decide to become one?" I ask him, I wouldn't ask that usually but he didn't seem like the type to be into this stuff..

He gulped and took a deep breath. "When I was young, my family was killed by a gang, and I had to spend my life with my uncle and his friends who were abusive." He tells me, he seemed sad now.

The poor guy- I feel bad, I'm not a monster like all the other assasins. I have a heart and I feel bad..

"How old were you?" I ask him, "when my family died I was twelve, well.. I had just turned thirteen.."

Ahh.. poor him..

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry" I tell him, he shakes his head. "I don't need pity." He says, clearly upset by it, but I could tell he was trying to hold it back.

I got a note from in my pocket, I handed it to him. "You seem very good for the job, I can tell you have what you need. But maybe just get more muscles, I'd recommend it." I tell him, he took a glance at the note then looked back at me and nodded

"That's some requirement standards I think you might need to check out." I tell him, he nods anxiously again. "Most of them are for safety, but there is one I think will really stand out to you." I tell him, referencing a rule about hair lengths, but he clearly hasn't read it yet.

"Thank you.." He thanks me, "no worries, I'll see you at the job." I say, he nods. "Have a good night." I tell him, "you too.." He says, I slowly walk away and witness him sitting down and looking at the note.

•The 'Ass' In Assasin • GENMUIWhere stories live. Discover now