chapter six

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Mui pov

I had gotten a suit a week or so prior as I'd need it for the job- akaza just thought it was for going to a party, so it fits in perfectly with the lie

I don't know how to use a tie.. fuck- I can go ask dad

I opened my door to go see dad and ask him to do the tie "Hey dad, could you do the tie?" I ask him, he looks over. Kokushiibos head also turning to look at me, "of course" He says, walking towards me. He took the tie and tied it

"He looks alot older like that." Kokushiibo says, I look over to him. "Alot older than when he ran away.." He muffles, but loud enough for me to hear it. "How long is your hair?" Kokushiibo asks, "ah-" I reply. "Whatever length he wants" akaza tells him, knowing it was making me uncomfortable. I smiled, he patted me on the head gently before telling me the tie was all done.

I thanked him and went back to my room ti check how I looked. "A little bit of eyeliner won't hurt.." I thought, looking at my eyes. I went to grab it and slowly put it on, making sure it was even.

The eyeliner style is called.. siren..? Siren eyes? Atleast that's what kanjori said

I backed away to see what I looked like.

I smiled.. I looked so- HOT




I look good is what I'm meant to say-

I quickly adjusted my bun so it was perfect, moved my fringe around slightly and nodded. I was ready-

I grabbed my butterfly knife and put it in the blazer pocket. I put my phone on silent in there too. "Aight, I'm heading out now!" I yell to dad, he nods. "Be safe mui, if you get too drunk or anything happens just call me. I'll come to the rescue-" he jokes at the end, I smile and nod. "Love you!" I say, "love you too-" he replies.

I head out the door, I had hair pins in my pocket too, just incase my bun may fall out.

I found the abandoned tennis courts.. standing there was a man, also in a suit.. he was intimidating.. he had a Mohawk that faded from black to yellow at the tips.. his eyes were a dulled purple-

I approached him slowly.. making no noise before he suddenly moved his eyes right to mine and we made eye contact- it made chills send down my spine..

"You must be Mr Tokito eh?" He asks, I nod slightly

"I'm genya, nice to meet you."

•The 'Ass' In Assasin • GENMUIWhere stories live. Discover now