chapter twenty nine

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Okay so here's an extreme trigger warning in this chapter, I don't want to say it since it'll spoil, but I'm dead serious

I've disclosed this many times in the book, that if these things offend you, don't read the book, and don't talk badly about me for writing such things when I've warned you, it's for people who actually read it, and are mature enough to not be babies and cancel people

So, thank you, enjoy (or not ;) )

And this is it reposted after someone got upset. Heaps of people wanted it back, and, I had a few people irl read it and they all said it should be okay to post

Remember, you've been earned many times before this chapter, what you decide to read with your own choices, shouldn't make me have to delete this, as I've given you as many warnings as I can

MuI pov

He sat down the tea on a table in front of us, and immediately brought the tea to my mouth for me, as I gently pushed it away, uneasy of what might be in it..

"It must be too hot for me to drink, I'll have it soon" I told him, pushing the tea away from my mouth and setting it back on the table but he held it

I looked over at him, "Drink it, I put cold water so you could drink it straight away" he told me, I felt stood back but couldn't refuse

"I'll have it soon.." I told him, but he kept staring at me.. God knows what he's planning or what he laced my drink with.. Fuck it, I have to drink it

I shook my head and picked up the cup, taking a large sip of it, it didn't taste off.. Or smell off... it was just herbal tea..

He grinned, "Is it good?" He asked, I nodded, "Very"

He nodded and took the cup from my mouth, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.. He didn't seem to want to have his own tea, sketchy..

He started touching my hair and shoulders as I sat there, uncomfortably..

"So, Mui.. ~" he started as I immediately winced.. I hate that tone

"Do you.. Like anyone? Are you in a relationship?"

I do like someone... . Genya.. But if anyone from the assassins knew, god I'd be dead in a flash... even a small crush could have me killed by someone I trust..

I shifted uncomfortably

"No.. I don't" I told him, "Do you..?" "No"

I nodded, looking away before I felt a hand on my chin, and tanjiro had tried pulling me into a kiss-

"Ah- Tanjiro- what the fuck-?" I said, pushing his face away from mine as I shivered slightly.. Wiping my mouth

He stayed silent, staring at me.. I felt heavy.. Really odd, heavy and scared

He then frowned, "Why didn't you let me do it?" "Because I don't like you... I said I wasn't dating anyone, or that I didn't like anyone, are you crazy-?" I asked, trying to grab my phone but he immediately took it first, sliding it behind him

My heart started pounding.. He's literally taking away my only resource to escape.. What is this psycho doing-?

Before I knew it, he pushed me into the couch, hands close to my neck, "Get off of me!" I yelled, hitting him but he only hit me harder... .

"Fucking get away!" I yelled, kicking him in the stomach as he backed off for a second.. Holding his stomach, breathing heavily.. I tried to take my phone again, but he placed it on the floor, away from me, before looking back and giving me an angry stare

"Fine, if it won't go the good way.. It'll just have to go the bad way, huh?" He asked, I have him a panicked look, "The fuck do you mean..?!" I yelled as I saw his face then into a grin, I started hyperventilating as he got closer to me, pinning me back down onto the couch, reaching his hand up my shirt

"Tanjiro?!" I yelled, trying to get him away from me, but he wouldn't stop.. He just wouldn't.. Before I knew it... .. He had taken off my shirt.. Everything.. And laid me down on my front...

He had a firm grip on my hair, using his elbow to restrain me so I couldn't get back up, and he hovered over my body...

Please... don't let this happen... . I don't want this...

I started to wince and cry.. My ribs hurt from being punched, my collar bone too... Now I'm lying.. Vulnerable... Right in front of me...

"Quit crying... you're the one who chose this" he told me, as I burst into tears

"Soon, due to that tea... you'll head unconscious... giving me permission to do as I please, muichiro" he told me, sending shivers down my spine..

"Why... .? W-Why are you doing this to me..." "Oh, but I couldn't resist a beauty like you..."

My phone rang... it was dad...

Tanjiro picked up the phone... his tone changed from seductive and evil.. To cheery, in under a second...

"Hey mister, I'm muichiros coworker, he's fallen asleep, sorry, have a good night, sir"

The way he... . Lied.. Straight to dads face...

I felt my eyelids getting heavy... please... No... .. .

... ... . ... . ... . ... .. ... . ... ... ... . ... . ... .

I woke up in the morning to an awful feeling in my power back... I had clothes on... thank god...

I rolled over and started crying... I don't even want to know what he did... I know he did it.. I know he did it while I was unconscious... . Why... ? Why?

I shakilly grabbed my phone.. Calling aoi immediately... . .

She picked up pretty soon after

"Muichiro? Why are you calling? It's like three in the morning?"

"P-Please.. I n-need you to pick m-me up... I-I'm terrified..."

"Hey, hey calm down, where are you?"

"I... I-I cant s-say.. I'll text the a-address.. Just p-please come before he w-wakes up..."

"Who? Muichiro?"

I heard tanjiro walk around, and I dropped my phone to the ground in pure fear... .

"muichiro... ?....... "

I immediately ended the call and sat, legs crossed, in a ball.. Laying on the couch, covering my mouth.. And trying to run my fingers through my hair to calm me... but I was terrified... .

"Mui~ I know you're awake... who was that on the phone?"

He came close to me as I immediately shrunk... "P-Please don't touch me.." I begged, tears streamed down my face as he grinned, "Why not, Mui?" He said, getting closer to me, running his hand through my hair, stopping at my waist and touching it

My breath hitched my throat as he did so, he smiled seeing how scared I was

"Aren't you glad you were unconscious? It could have been so much worse... or, it was.. You'd never know, isn't that so good?"

I started to shake and cry, as he tucked my hair behind my ear, getting scarilly close to me, I felt his hot breath hit my neck and I felt like crying.. It sent shivers through my whole body

"Don't you dare tell anyone... . This will be our secret... . ."

...... . ..

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