chapter ten

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Mui pov

"Jeez- you scared me I thought you were dead!" Aoi said, grabbing my cheek and tugging it, hard

"Ah- I'm sorry! I had a nightmare-" I said, trying to ply her fingers off me but it didn't work."glad I woke your ass up then huh??" She asked sarcasticly, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, sure you did" I tell her, she sighs.

"Anyways, let's go get ready? And I'm doing your hair." She says, pulling my arm to get me up,

I was staying at Aois, she had a breakfast to go to and wanted me to tag along.

"Who's gonna be there..?" I ask, "I don't think you'll know anyone. But it's just some friends, I'm sure you'll fit in. Inosukes coming too.. so I'm bringing rubbed bands to flick at him" she says, chuckling at the end.

I got up and changed into a pair of shorts, along with a yellow shirt and jacket over top.

"So, want a breakfast before hand or eat at the Cafe??" She asked me, "I think I'll eat there you know?" I reply shortly after, receiving a nod from Aoi

"Right, so you go sit down. I'll get a brush and conditioner, and I'll have a Start on that hair of yours" she says, I sigh

Why does she always play with my hair, I mean- I understand it's long and pretty and inosuke won't grow his very long, but I think that's a good thing.. he'd get lice, not cure it, not brush his hair, not let anyone..

I sat down on a stool, and then she separated a part of my hair. "Ino will be here soon, he's coming all- hopefully nice dressed" she told me, I nodded slightly, "that poor guy-" I laugh.

It had been a few minutes, my hair was almost done. There was just a tiny bit left, but Aoi always made sure my hair was SUPER smooth, so you could run your fingers through without a problem.

Inosuke walked through the door, "Hey ino!" Aoi said, still not taking her hands out of my hair. "HI" He replied, he walked by Aoi and gave her a hug. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which he went to wipe off but decided against it.

"I'm just doing muis hair, go get dressed and all that" she tells him, he nods before walking off into their bedroom.

"Mui, for the meeting or whatever you'd call it. Can you have your hair out? Please?" She said, I hummed. "Uhh- I don't really feel comfortable having it completely out.. maybe a half up half down..? Or a braid?" I ask her, she nods. "Ohh okay, half up half down then." She says, separating the top and bottom of my hair.

"Ino, can you get some hairtyes from my drawer?" She yells to inosuke, "WHAT DRAWER??" He yells back, she sighed. "This dumbass-" she whispered. "Third one down!" She yelled to him, I stifled a laugh at her first sentence.

He came out with his shirt off, handing Aoi some hairtyes, "you could've waited till you were dressed, poor mui has to witness you shirtless-" she told him sarcasticly, "don't act like you don't like it" He says, Aoi slightly blushed as I smirked at her.

She tugged the top part of my hair that was in her hand. "Fuck off-" she said, she took the hairtyes out of inosukes hand, and tyed the top part of my hair.

"If your gonna have the whole bottom out, and the top in a ponytail, what's the point of just not having it out?" She asks, I sighed.

"When I lived with the uppermoons they would always, always put scissors to it, and tug it as hard as possible when it was left out.." I told her..

"Oh.. sorry-" she said, hugging me. "No don't worry" I reply

"I'm glad I've gotten my trust in people touching it back though, I used to be so scared- and now you just go crazy over it" I tell her jokingly. "You should've never let me play with it, you'll be sticking with this for the rest of your life" she tells me giggling. "One pair of scissors and it's over for you" inosuke said bluntly, walking through the door. "Excuse you..?!" Aoi said, flicking him playfully.

She continued brushing my hair, making sure it was neat. "One sniff from aoi  and it's over for your relationship with her" I tell him, he looked at me with a pissed face, but aoi giggled.

"Aight, let's head out shall we?" She asked, I nodded and inosuke did too, I felt my hair and smiled. I love when she does my hair, she's like my sister, older sister. That's That's I see her as


so I decided to try write this, I'm still getting over my breakup (my boyfriend of three or so years broke up with me two days ago) Fucking pissed about how he's broken up with me over a rumor, atleast I'm pretty sure that's why

But it doesn't matter, I've gotten over it.. kinda.. I have to sit next to him in a desk now, so it's just kinda annoying since we used to draw live hearts on eachothers books, and now he just looks at me weird. But yeah-

But I'll see yall later!

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