chapter fourteen

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Mui pov

"Ey- who was that girl that came through here..?" Inosuke said, walking through the door and taking his shoes off, "Hey hun, that's uh.." aoi said, looking at me then the floor. "Daki, I'm sorry mui.. I told ino.." she said, obviously guilty since I told her not to tell anyone, I shook my head, "he's your boyfriend, he can know." I say, giving her a smile

She nods, "ah, and I pretended to be his girlfriend, I'm sorry about that." She told inosuke, "I'm not worried, I know he's gay" he said with a giggle. "Exceuse me-?" I joking said, "atleast I don't eat pussy" "atleast my mums alive"


"You little shit." Aoi spat out, hitting inosuke in the leg with a spatula, "Fine. Sorry, I shouldn't have taken it that fa-" "atleast I wasn't considered the kid who was definitely ADHD and special needs" I spoke out, aoi shook her head. "Can we not argue please.."

"atleast I don't have a tattoo of a fucking semi column."

I paused, "guys stop." Aoi said angrily, I just stared at inosuke. "Its not my fault." He said, "you brought up my dead mother, asshole." I said, clearly fucking mad. "Oh what are you going to do? Go join her? Please do. Oh wait.." inosuke said, grabbing my hand and turning it over, revealing my wrist with the semi column tattoo.  "You've clearly wanted to already." "INOSUKE! FUCKING STOP" aoi yelled at him, he rolled his eyes and took a breath before looking away, "okay, I agree I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry, and I mean it." He said, "okay." I replied simply, his head shot up and so did aois

"Okay..?" He said, "yeah, okay, I don't forgive you." I told him, aoi sighed. "Let's just stop okay, ino, this is muis safespace. Imagine if you went through all that trauma okay? Just please stop." Aoi said, I looked down before grabbing my bag, "I don't need dinner, I'm going home. I'll see you tommorow" I said, bumping inosuke on the shoulder while walking by

"Mui.." aoi said, sighing. I left and out my ear on the door to see if they'd said anything

"I didn't try to-" "just please.. I've told you to be nice with him, you can diss him as long as he's fine with it but.. talking about his dead family and shit, don't do that." Aoi said, "Fine. I'm sorry-" "yeah, you're going to apologize to him."

I started walking off

"Stupid fucking bitch." I said to myself, walking along, trying my hair up.

It started raining

"Well crap, my hairs going to go frizzy now isn't it?" I said outloud, I just rolled my eyes. "Fuck you inosuke. Gonna- oh my god just! I hate you!" I said, stomping in a puddle, it splashed all over me.

"The fucking semi column tattoo, he fuck is wrong with him?! He knows what it's about, so why the fuck would he use it in an argument?!" I said to myself, "oH iTd Be SoOoOo SmArT tO mAkE fUn Of SoMeOnEs SuIcIdE tAtToO~!" I mocked him.

I walked by, just minding my own business until I got to akazas apartment. "Hey bud! Oh- what's up?" He asked, taking my coat off me and going to get a towel. "Nothing.. just.. shit" I told him, he sighed. "I'm here to talk y'know..?" He asked, I shook my head "just about mum.. yui.. dad.." I said, he nodded. "I got in an argument with aois fiance and he was.. not holding himself back.." I said, he rubbed my back, "what happened?" He asked, "he was like 'atleast my mums alive' ..and.. 'atleast I don't have a semi column tattoo' .." I told him, akaza tilted his head, "you have a tattoo..?" He asked, "yeah.. sorry.." "No, don't worry, how big is it?" He asked, I pulled out my hand and showed him the semi column on my wrist, he shook his head. "I'm fine with the size, atleast it's simple and small but.." He said, pausing, "hm..?" I let out in confusion, "you know what it means.. don't you..?" I asked him, he nodded. "Just.. don't.. don't use it for attention okay?" He said, I nodded. "I don't.. I only told one person about it, and I normally have long sleeves and gloves so it's fine." I told him,

"I'm very sorry about your parents and yui.. but I promise I'll be here for you" he told me, I nodded and felt tears starting to form but I pushed them back, "why don't you go have a shower, I got you some new conditioner, you always complain about it going out easily, so I got a bigger one" He said, "thank you.." I thanked him

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