chapter twenty five

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Sorry for slow updates here, stressed as fuuuuuckkk


Epic author cosplayer moment

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Epic author cosplayer moment

That's me, MistHashiraMui.. Or- well, venti- but ykyk

Let me know if you guys want more cosplay pics, I have lots-

I also got a suit, so I guess I can cosplay mui in a suit? If you guys would want

Anyway, I'm not important, so, here we go, let's get into this ANGST.

Genya pov

I held mui back, "what on earth were you thinking?! Are you joking..?! You're meant to kill the guy in one hit!"

He squirmed and wriggled, trying to stab him once again but I grabbed his arm.. God.. He's unhinged as fuck.. What happened to him..?

He's like someone else entirely.. This isn't the silly, dumb mui that I know.. It's like some things controlling him...

His breath is shakey.. His muscles were barely even able to hold himself up- his hair a mess, suit covered in blood like crazy... A huge cut across his face.. Jesus.. What the fuck happened-?!

"Mui.. Mui calm the fuck down.." I told him, he shook his head and I saw a glimpse of his face.. He had a grin on.. A horrifying one.. He was staring at the man's dead body..

"I-I.. I did it.. I avenged them... I did it.." He laughed and chuckled between hysterical breaths.. Which turned into sobs as he dropped to the ground beneath me.. "Mui-?" "I did it... I fucking avenged them.. There's nothing left to do.. There's nothing left in life... I've done it.. I've done all I ever wanted to do.. Yet it doesn't feel complete...."

His breath hitched as he swung his arm, projecting his knife through the air and stabbing the man through the ribcage was force to hear the bones crush.. He's gotten scarily good at that...

He started to sob... "I did it genya... They can live in peace.. Live in the afterlife.. The monsters dead...." He told me, clinging onto me, I slightly pushed myself back.. "Mui-?"

He broke down into sobs and clung into me, not saying a word.. So I rubbed his back in hopes of helping.. Maybe this'll comfort him..?

"Come on mui.. Let's collect these knives.. Let's get you in the car and have you cleaned up st the headquarters.. Okay?" I asked, he nodded frantically, and crawled over to the man.. Taking the knife out his ribcage and merely standing up..

He looked st the man's face.. Standing over it, before hyperventilating.. And.. Stomping his huge boot into the dead man's face.. Smooshing it and cracking, and cripling the bones.. God that was a violent sound..

He then ran back to me and into the long car, sitting next to me, tracking his finger over the blade...

"Please out that away while I drive" I told him, he nodded, and stuck it into his knife holster..

Well, that was a lot easier than with the other assassins.. And their.. Annoying ways of disengagement when I need them..

He still seemed upset.. Overwhelmed..

"Washing off and getting into your home clothes will help, once your done I can drive you to your dads, you seen far too exhausted to walk" I told him, he shrugged, "I can walk.. I don't want to be a burden" he told me, I shook my head, "You're getting dropped off, okay?"

He slightly nodded and stayed silent for the rest of the drive..

Once there.. He got changed into.. Literal fucking pajamas..

I rolled my eyes and held my hasn't our as a gensture for him to come with me, he nodded sand took my hair, coming into the car.. As we started you and drive to his dads house....

"I.. It's this street I think.. Yeah" he told me, and pointed at some huge, fancy apartment.. "Wow, he's got money, huh?" I chuckled, he smiled, "He does.. He wants me to move out but I don't wanna, I love his apartment"

I smiled, "Should I walk you in?" I asked, he nodded, "Sure sure.. Uh.. Just tell dad that you're a friend of Aois" "Who?" "Aoi, like.. You pronounce it like if you got a boo boo, like owie" "A what?" "A boo boo"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, come on, you need rest" I told him and dragged him through the car and streets, to the apartment building where we took the elevator..

"Oh yeah, uh.. Don't mind my room, makeup station is a mess, looks like it got hit by an earthquake" he told me with a slight giggle.. "Makeup station?" "Yeah, eyeliner and stuff, I like makeup.. I know, very gay, but it's fine" he told me, dragging me inside, "Come on"

He opened the door, "Hi dad!" He said and walked up to some guy with a buzz cut and odd tattoos.. Hm..

"Oh.. And who are you? Respectful looking young man?" "He's a close friend, I met him through Aoi" he told his dad, before coming over to me, "Someone that respectful looking? Close friends with you? I don't know, mui" "Yeah yeah"

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