chapter twenty six

507 11 34

Sorry for barely updating, I've been writing the school au for someone and I've barely gotten any spare or a break, especially with assignments, like my Japanese culture assignment sand test for school, so yeah, sorry

Mui pov

"Hah, I've got to go, I can't stay, sorry- just, muis had a bit of a hard night, could I trust you to take care of him? You're his dad, right?" "Oh, yes no of course, are you sure? It's quite late, I can get out a futon for you to sleep on?"

Genya just looked at me, "I really wish I could, but work starts early for me tomorrow morning" he told akaza, who slightly nodded, "Want any food? To take home?" "Diet" "alright, well, safe journeys" "You sound like an NPC" I told akaza with a slight giggle, "Oh shush" he told me, I saw genya slightly smile

"Well, I'll head off, bye mui, sleep well" "Oh- you too! Sleep well!"

I shut the door and left, I turned to akaza who scoffed slightly

"What?" "He was gay" "You can't just say that-" "it's true, he was a very respectable young man, but he was also clearly a very gay, young man" he told me, I just gave him a surprised look, e er expecting something like that to come out of dads mouth

He had always teased me and called me rainbow.. But damn.. I've never ever heard him call someone else gay- specifically someone that I know, or he's barely met

"He seemed pretty odd though, didn't give much information, didn't want to stay over, eat, talk" "he has a strict job" "Oh? Even gayer?" "Dad-" "Does he use walkie talkies? Let me guess.. Hitman? Assassin?"

I just kinda paused at the fact he had somehow jokingly found out his job..

"Are you hanging out with fucking assassins-?" He asked, I was just stood back, "Don't do that shit, they're the wrong fucking people to mess with.. Seriously, one wrong move and boom, you're fucked, shot in the heat or brutally fucking murdered, honestly mui" "He's not an assassin, he's an FBI agent, alright? He works for companies, that's why he has such a respectable looking suit on kind of thing, you know?" He just nodded

"But seriously, I know someone who was an assassin, fucking terrifying" he told me, I nodded, "one wrong move and it's over, boom, gone, I don't want to lose my son, okay?" "Mhm.."

Bro what.. I'm an assassin.. What do I even say..?

Oh yeah dad by the way, I fucking kill and brutally murdered people for a job, I'm an assassin


Whatever.. It's fine.. I guess he's right though, I should really be careful... Ah.. Whatever..


I got to work the next day, fixing my cuffs of my sleeves as I walked in.. Everyone already having goes at each other and fucking scrapping.. Augh... What are they angry about this time, huh?

"I'm not fucking short! Alright! You guys are just really abnormally tall, fucking hell!" "Oh look, it's mui! Mui, come on, come over here, how tall are ya?"

Well fuck.. I'm already in their stupid drama..


I walked over and waited for them to measure me

"Mui you're so short.. What the fuck? I thought you were taller than that!" They all laughed and chuckled, "Haven't got my good boots on" I said, pointing at my shoes, which I normally wore platforms

"Fucking short ass" he went to slap my head but I grabbed his arm by the wrist,

"God put those inches somewhere else" I smirked, staring the dude dead in the eyes with a flirtatious look, he just looked at me, deadpan in the eyes before taking his arm back

"Excuse me-?" "You heard me, you're just jealous" I replied, "jealous of a guy who wears eyeliner?" "At least I have the confidence to, you couldn't do anything more than stab a few guys in the back, fucking backstabber, whats the best you have the same coping skills as a teenage girl who loves spreading rumors, huh?" I mocked the guy

Everyone just stared, "You honestly fucking suck, I don't know how you got promoted, Jesus, you should have been shot with the rest of your family, femboy" he laughed, I just kinda stood there...

Jesus.. Harsh

I had always thought that, but being told it.. Hits.. A lot different... It hurts way way way more than it should've...

I just stood, fazed, staring at the guy, I had no words to say after being told that,

"Ahw.. Does Rapunzel not have a comeback?" "I hold my cumback when I see your mother, dickhead" I told him, I watched as a few of the assassins I had only really known, like misaki or tanjiro looked at each other.. Did I mess up...?

Th guy stared, before just shrugging and walking off...

I won?

I guess so..

Yui would be so proud of me, he honestly would be.. I'm gonna tell dad I won a fight with a coworker.. Wow, he'd be proud

•The 'Ass' In Assasin • GENMUIWhere stories live. Discover now