chapter twenty one

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So, I'm sorry I haven't been active.. I just

I'm really fucking upset

I don't know, I feel like I'm forced to write, I'm tired, I've cried myself to sleep for a week straight now, I'm getting shitty grades, I feel like a failure, I just- I'm all over the place

I got below average on my writing test, I thinks that's why I'm so.. Distant..? When it comes to writing, since I'm just- yeah-

Below average in maths too

Overall, my friends are doing better than me in almost everything, and as someone who compares their self to anything and everything, that makes everything even harder for me, so yeah


You guys aren't here to listen to my emo ass vents, so, here's some epic mui (since he makes everyone feel better)

Mui pov

I scanned my card into dads apartment, "I'm home!" I said, walking through, he smiled at me, "Hello mui, how was the meeting?"

I paused for a moment

"Ohhh, it was pretty good, thank youuu" I reply, putting my can of fanta on the table, "we just discussed some things I'd have to do next, you know??" I told him, he nodded, "are you enjoying your work?"

"..Yes" I reply, knowing it isn't the most pleasant of jobs, but.. It was kinda fun

"Ohh, yes, good good, I made some pasta for you if you'd like some, just put it in the microwave for about a minute" he told me, pointing at a pot on the stove,

I walked over to the kitchen and lifted the lid of the pot.. It smelt amazing.. Nice and cheesy..

"It smells so good!" I said, dad smiling as he nodded, "I put extra cheese, I know you love cheese"

I smiled, it was nice knowing someone cared, sometimes, I felt like no one cares.. But akaza is always there for me

I put some of the cheesy pasta into my bowl, before putting it in the microwave for a minute and 30 seconds, just so the cheese was extra melted

I took the bowl out the microwave.. It was burning- I pulled my sleeves over my hands and held the bowl, coming to sit next time dad

"So.. Would you like to watch something while you eat?" Dad asked me, giving me a slight smile, I nodded, "You can choose though, I don't mind" I told him, taking a spoon of my pasta, but immediately spitting it out since it was so hot

"I downloaded a few, hold on.." He said, pulling up rbe hardrive onto the tv

He pulled up a few, they were all pretty good, but not really my taste, "Hm.. Back to the future?" He asked me, I nodded, and he pat my head, "I know it's not that exciting, sorry bud, but you know-" "Nah nah it's Algood, I tortured you by making you play danganronpa with me, so don't worry" "which one..?"

He paused before his face dropped, "Oh- the one with the guy that got boiled alive and shit.." "Yup yup" "he looked like you" he chuckled, "Oh shut, he does not" "long hair, long eyes, looked quite serious" "He was in a relationship with his sist-" "WHAT"

Dad paused, before putting the movie volume higher, "No more.. Please-" he said with a slightly worried-laughing tone

He put on the movie, and I ate my pasta, and smiled because of how good it was

"Yum?" He asked, I nodded and he pat my head, "I knew you'd like it, I always remembered that you loved cheese, pasta, and avocado, those were what I remembered" "And rice" "Only if it was seasoned, you couldn't bare plain rice" "Oh damn- you really know me well.. Huh?" "I mean, I was the only one out of the upper moons who looked after you"

I looked at him, before nodding, it was sad that out of 5 people in a house, he was the only one that cared..

And when he left.. No one..

That's why I always fold my clothes, delete old phone messages, make my own food. Since that's what I had to grow up with doing.. Otherwise.. Yeah, could've ended badly for me

But I had aoi, always will

I met her wwhen I was 14.. 15, around that

Man she was nice, shes the reason I'm still going, she helped me a lot with.. Really everything- getting my confidence back, getting myself to a healthy weight.. I'm really grateful for her

Dad patted my head, anyway, let's change the subject from those guys.. Lets just watch our movie, or are you tired?"

I shrugged, "Uh.. I don't want to be rude.." I said, he nodded, "Don't worry, you can head to your room, just remember to take your dishes out tomorrow

"Yup yup" I said, and walked to my room, thanking dad

I took my hair out, before laying in bed

"Ahhh.." I said, I was still kinda worried about the meeting.. But, it's okay- it'll be okay- everything's alright, you're allowed your hair, and hey, you get cool knives too

I kept thinking to myself, before turning over and staring at my phone

"You know what.. Let's play some of these silly mobile games I downloaded" I said, opening my game folder

I had been on a spree of downloading every one of those extremely.. Ehm.. Weird mobile add games

I downloaded a good 24..

Let's hope my phone doesn't crash from storage issues

I turned off my WiFi, so I wouldn't get adds, then started playing a few, before I put my phone down, and went to sleep

Sorry if this seems so rushed or bad, I'm just worried you guys are mad at me not updating

Have a good day/night!

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