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I know I've been on break for a while, I'm just super stressed and I'm starting to-

Hate writing-

Not hate, but- it's getting hard to motivate myself, so, I want some help from you guys

If you guys have anything you'd like to see in this book, like any silly little scenes, I'd love to hear and discuss them

If they don't fit into the plot, or I don't agree with them, I'm sorry, but there is a plot to this book

Which I really want to alter, since it seems really weird to me (talking about the plot)

So yeah, any ideas would be appreciated please, or just some advice for writing? Both are welcome

So yeah, also- thank you so much for the support I've gotten on this book- I just- yeah- I'm really happy and I love you guys since much, I really do-

Also, I hope this publishes, if not, than I'm unable to update my books 🙏🙏🙏

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