chapter eleven

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Mui pov

We got to the Cafe, it was a little scary knowing I'd know Noone there

"Aoiiiii!" A girl said running up to her, "heyyy! I haven't seen you in so long-" she said, hugging the girl

"Is this inosuke?!" The girl said, looking at me. "No no, this is mui- muichiro." She said, looking at me. She knows I don't like new people calling me mui, so I mouthed 'thank you' to her.

"But the long blue hair, feminine looks-" they said, going to try and touch my hair but I moved away. "Inos still in the car, he'll be a while-" she said, trying to stop her from touching my hair

"You have very pretty hair Though! Can I touch??" She said eagerly, "u-uhmmm.." I let out, not liking new people, especially touching my hair. And I don't like turning people down, "come onn- just a little braid!" She said, I shook my head. She pouted, "Fine." She said angrily, I felt bad..

"Madi, it's just really personal for him." Aoi told her, she still seemed upset and just sighed.

I looked around anxiously, I felt really fucking bad.. She reminded me alot.. too much.. of daki..

The girl walked off, "down worry mui. She's just raised different you know?" She said, I nodded slightly and she rubbed my back  slightly moving my hair around to comfort me.


I was again.. stuck with someone I didn't know-

They seemed to be my age, maybe around 23? It was a guy with short, black hair..

"Your name?" He spoke, my head shot up, "pardon?" I asked, he grunted. "What's your name?" I paused for a bit, "tokito.." I told him, I didn't want this guy knowing my first name, he seemed.. sketchy..

"Ahhh, your the one aoi likes" He tells me, I shake my head, feeling hella uncomfortable.. "No no, that's inosuke.. he has much shorter hair, he's over there if you wanna talk to him aha-" I say, trying to move away but he grabbed me by the collar, leaving my face close to his.

"A-ah-" I let out, trying to get my face away from his. "Then your single, huh?" He said, giving me a smirk. "No- I'm not- I have a girlfriend-" I lied, trying to get away from him. "Her names lillian-" I lie again, he pouts. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little kiss~" the guy said, pulling me closer again, staring me in the eyes seductively. I pushed him away, "get away from me!" I yell pushing him away, he frowned and let go of me as I ran off to Aoi,

She saw me running, and opened her arms, letting me run into them. "Hey mui, you good?" She asked, I nodded as she hugged me and stroked my hair slightly, I didn't want to admit to anything incase that guy was a close friend to her

"Want a drink?" She asked me, I shook my head. "They have non alcoholic drinks mui, you can get those" she tells me.

I don't drink- smoke- anything like that. It's just not what I like..

"They have ginger beer, or just coke and sprite if your into that" an elder woman said, she was.. maybe fourty..?

"Oh.. thank you-" I tell her, she nods. "Here's my card, the pins 6678" aoi whispered, handing me her card. "Are you sure..?" I asked, she nodded. "Thank you-" I said, "no worries" she says, about to go back to talking to the woman

I walked to the counter, waiting for the barrista to be available.

"Hello there, what would you like?" The guy asked, "Hey uh.. what non alcoholic drinks are there..?" I ask the guy, he smiled. "Not an alcohol guy?" He asked, "I've just never been into it- I've had it once, never again-" I tell him with a slight laugh. "Understandable, here's the menu" the guy said, passing me a non alcoholic drinks menu, going to talk to someone else

Ginger beer
Ginger ale
Coke vanilla
Coke (no sugar)
Lemon lime bitters
Sparkling water (with flavor if wanted)


"Ehh- could I please have a.. lemon lime bitters?" I ask the man, he nods and smiles, pouring a drink into a cup. "There you go" He tells me, I I him and get aois card out. "You don't need to pay, just go have a good time" He tells me with a smile, "are you sure..?" I ask, he nods. "Just have fun" He says, smiling

"Thank you!" I said, walking away.

Aoi had got me these fake tattoos that looked like lipstick kiss marks, telling me 'these will make it look like your taken so no weirdos come for you'

But, I decided not to put them on

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