chapter twenty three

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I'm back on this book! Woohoooo, I may have yeah, slow updates on here, since the school au us kinda taking over my life. This is a lil but of filler, but I swear there'll be drama soon, just getting back on track, thank you for understanding

Mui pov

Man I'm bored..


Who's online..?

I looked through my phone, through all of my messaging and social platforms

"Oh?" I said out loud, genya was online..

I smirked

Hello? You online?

I waited a second.. Ooo he's typing

You have work today

Hmm.. Surely I can have a day off?

Why should I let you?

I giggled, and rolled over onto my side

I stayed up super late, I messaged you at like 2am, you should know that

He took a few seconds to respond

Fine, only because I have something for tomorrow, and you have to get a good rest.


Not in that way, my god.. Pardon me- I mean, I have to see you in action, you'll be assassinating someone, I think I talked about it in our meeting?

Ah, yep, algood- well, nighty night, I'm gonna sleep in- bye bye!

Have a good sleep in, I'll see you tomorrow-

I put my phone down and giggled, I did it, I convinced him to let me stay home- I'm so smart

But.. I have that thing tomorrow- interesting.. I'll organize all my knives and stuff

Honestly not gonna lie.. Genyas pretty fine..

I mean- I can't say that to anyone, because he's my boss, I'd get my ass beaten by the other assasins, but he's pretty cool-

Ah, doesn't matter, I have no choice but to keep it to myself anyway-

I layed down and got comfy, before sleeping in for a while


I woke up to light shining in my eyes, and my sheets moving

I grunted and frowned, opening my eyes, "Morninggg" I heard akaza say, taking the covers off me so I'd get up faster

I smiled, yawning, "Moooorning" I replied, super sleepy, rubbing my eyes, "Don't you have work today?" He asked me, I shook my head, "I'm having a break today, I didn't sleep well-" I stretched

He laughed, "I can tell, it's almost one pm and you're still asleep"

I shot up, "It's one..?" I asked, kinda shocked, he nodded, "Wow you're sleepy.. You really didn't get a good sleep, huh? Your eye bags are huge-" he said, patting my head, "Ah, I'm okay, just didn't sleep that well" I told him, "were you on your phone?" He asked, I grinned and he laughed, "I'm taking your phone tonight"

I pouted, and rolled my eyes, "Well, we're heading to lunch, I'm uh.. Yeah, you have to come along, but don't worry, they're really nice, they are, I just need your permission on them"

I tilted my head, "Hm..?" He looked away, "There's a woman, she's really beautiful, and respectful, but I want you to meet her and see if you're okay with her" he said, I giggled, "Ooo" I said, he nodded, "it's just for now, I'll see how I go with her, but I want you to meet her" he said, I nodded.

"I won't be lovey do very with her while you're around, we're just going to the gardens, you could bring someone maybe so you don't get bored?" He asked, "Ah, yeah no thank you.. I don't have anyone who's free, so.. I'll just get ready?"

He smiled, "Thanks bud, make sure to dress respectful" he said, ruffling my hair, I nodded, "I will dad, don't worry" I smiled

He soon left and I got up to get ready

I decided to wear some cargo jeans, a shirt and a hoodie I found. I really love the hoodie, it has little patches.. I bought it since it reminded me of the patched plushie mum made for me.. I remember her giving it to me and how happy I was.. I still have the plushie, I have it next to my bed,

I took my jumper off to make it easier to brush my hair, especially the back

I took a long time brushing through it all, it was always a struggle, but I kept it, I would never cut it, trim it at most, nothing more, I don't think I'd ever cut it short

I ran some hair oil through it, before braiding it, and getting my shoes on

Just some converses will do, they're a nice teal like my hair and eyes-

I put on some concealer to cover up my dark circles, and went out to go meet dad, to go for lunch.. Well.. Breakfast for me

+this kitty I got to meet 🥺

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+this kitty I got to meet 🥺

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