chapter four

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Mui pov (slight timeskip)

"Hey mui, you good? There are stab marks in that punching bag of yours-" akaza asks, I look at him. A tiny bit anxious, "oh yeah, aoi bought me a butterfly knife, I just wanted to play around with it-" I say, covering up everything. He nods, "she's the one with the crazy boyfriend?" He asks, wanting to know who she is. I nod, he returns the nod. "Hey, I think you were invited to something? I got a letter in the mail addressed to you, uhm- Mr tokito muichiro. Seems fancy~" he says, handing it to me. I looked at it, I didn't recognize the handwriting.

"Who's it from?" I ask, looking up at him, he shrugs slightly. "It doesn't say.. if it seems sketchy come tell me" He tells me, I nod. "Alright, want to catch up for lunch with kokushiibo? He wants to bring the others but I told him not to for your sake." He asks, I shake my head. "I don't have good memories with him-" I say, he nods. "Alrighty, seeya soon" He says, closing the door.

I looked at the letter, investigating the envelope deeply.

May as well open it.. there's no harm right?

I opened it up to see again, very very neat handwriting. Handwriting I could never do

Dear Mr Tokito Muichiro, this is Genya Shinazugawa. The head of assasins,

I've seen a bit of your work and your request to join. You seem good for the team, meet me at 12:45 pm on Saturday at the old tennis courts. The abandoned, broken down one. We can discuss it there. If you aren't comfortable with that, you could send an email of things about you and I can take a look. If I don't reply or we catch up and I say yes, or reply with yes. Meet at ////////////////// on Friday the 23rd.

There are skills you'll need such as basic self defense, working a gun and such. I'm assuming you'd know how but if not, I need to see those.

Thank you

My hands were shaking..


I dropped the letter in shock, I couldn't believe it.. I never thought I'd get into this shit.. but I guess I was wrong-

I immediately texted Aoi


Aoi and I referred to assasin as "job" or "smoothie shop" incase anyone saw it.

Really?! I'm so happy mui! When do you start?!


there you go! We can meet up and talk about it if you'd like?

Of course! See you at the cat Cafe at 3:30??

Mhm, I'll get inosuke to hang out at his mums while we go. Meet you there



Yes! I'm so happy- I'm proud of myself.. proud..? Yeah I think I can say that-

I quickly brushed my hair and put it into a bun, grabbed some gray shorts and a light blue shirt and threw a brown ish coat over the top, it didn't match. But I didn't care-

I went to go out the door and saw kokushiibo standing, talking to akaza. "Im heading out to meet aoi- is that alright?" I ask, trying to sound nice around kokushiibo. Akaza nods, "of course. Your 21, you don't need to tell me that." Akaza says, I nod. "Oh, hey kokushiibo.." I say softly, waving at him. He had his hair out, he probably didn't think so but. I definitely had longer hair than him, whether that's good or not.

"Hello." He said in a deep voice, I waved "Bye dad!" I say to akaza. "Be safe" He tells me before I head off

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