chapter eighteen

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I'm back- it's just hard for me rn because I'm extremely sick- I've been sweating and burning up when it's like- 5°c- not to mention throwing up whenever I drink something- so yeah, irregulsr updates will be common, but this isn't about me, so let's start with this chap

Genya pov

Glad he'd like to talk, it's perfect.

He's doing extremely well, he gets more done than the rest who've been here for a long, long time. And he's quite determined, which Is perfect for a sidekick.

He does seem quite soft though, I can see it showing through when the other assassins are being rude to each other and say something about him..

He tries acting tough, but honestly.. The only tough thing about him- or the toughest things he say are shit like pickup lines.. He had some real cheasy ones the other week..


I need to remember some key things in our discussion, I think it was asking him about how he trained, and also seeing how well he could protect me if needed. And well, the very clear topic

That hair of his

It's extremely long, I can already tell that, much over the limit. Either that or he has extremely thick hair that makes his bun look fuller. And by looking at it, it seems thin, or at least the perfect texture

I might have to make him cut it, depending on the length. I probably WILL have to..

I'm going to sound so mean- or if I myself have to cut it.. That's even worse, I don't know if I can do that- I'm a softy, even though I'm literally the head of assasins, cutting someone's long hair, I'd feel bad- Nemi always tells me to

"toughen up, your and assasin now, you can't be so soft-"

But it's hard, I know I look mean, and scary- especially with all my scars, but if someone was willing to sit down with me for some tea, I of course would.

Just don't stress- what happens in the meeting happens in the meeting

Fuck, just stop, I'll just sort out someone for him to kill, So I can see his strength again.

I spin my chair to the table, (A/N it's one of those silly office/ gaming chairs that she fun to swing on and push around) and go on my computer to look and some records, I scan through the files,

"Huh.. He could work.." I said to myself, looking at one of the records, it seemed to be a man, he looked.. 40-50..? But he was very dangerous, he'd killed multiple families.

Yeah, he'll be a good target for muichiro, he's pretty fit and skinny so I'm sure he can easily get him.

Not very muscular though-

Oh- well- maybe, I don't see much on him but he is wearing a fully covered suit, so I guess thatd cover everything- he's allowed a suit with shorts, there are a few of those, no one wears them, they all say they're "gay"

I think he'd suit them, but again, his choice.


Akaza pov (oooo, new pov)

Mui and I are sitting at the table, eating our dinner, he's going ham at it- I mean, I did make his favourite.. But holy moly..

"This is so good!" He said, stuffing another mouthful of spaghetti in his mouth, "thank you, I can tell you enjoy it- the sauce- it's all over your face-" I told him, slightly laughing, he wiped his chin with his sleeve, "oh fuck it's on my sleeve! No!" He said and got up to put water on it, "oh my god-" I say and roll my eyes playfully

"You haven't changed one bit-" I told him with a smile, he nodded "fuck I need to go change my shirt- I'll be back-" he said, running into his room and shutting his poster covered door.

I sighed and laughed again, taking a sip of my water, he came back out in a yellow short sleeves shirt, "alrighty- I'm back and I wiped the stuff off my chin-" he said, smiling, I nodded as he sat down and picked up his knife and fork again.

I slightly looked closer at his face, "are you wearing eyeliner?" I asked, he seemed a little surprised but nodded, "yeah, it doesn't suit this shirt, but I had an all black outfit on earlier so it matched" he said, I nodded, "why red? I've never seen someone wear red eyeliner-" I asked, he smiled

"Because all the genshin guys that wear it are fucking hot as"

I closed my eyes and laughed, "oh my god- is that the game you play-" I asked, he nodded, "and when are you playing it?" I added, he laughed, "you know that time that it was like.. 4am.. And you were worried what noises were happening?" He asked with a giggle

"Oh my god.." I said, he burst out laughing, "you are mentally ill-" I told him with a laugh

He ate his last mouthful of spaghetti and put his plate on the table

"Thank you dad!" He said before happily skipping to his room, "your welcome, are you sleeping now? It's quite early?" I asked, he stuck his head out the door, "yeah, sorry- I'm just really tired, I couldn't sleep last night, I got really hot because of my hair-" he said, I nodded, "alrighty, have a nice sleep then" I told him, he nodded, "good night dad!"

It always felt nice, him calling me dad, I always wanted to be a dad- and I count him as my son.


I walked into muis room to check on him, he was fast asleep, I smiled, "good night" I said, patting his head before I left, his hair was all over the place, I held a chunk, "so long.." I quickly said, before I out it down and patted his head again, then I left the room

I quickly went to my room and got into my bed, turning my light off

•The 'Ass' In Assasin • GENMUIWhere stories live. Discover now