chapter thirteen

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Gen pov

Well.. he definitely looks scared-

"Shoot him" I whispered in his ear, he turned to me with a somewhat worried face. "Him." I said, pointing.

He nods and shoots him but slightly backs away once he's done, "why was that.. so.." "scary?" I cut tokito off, he nods. "Human instict, but don't worry. Your just new, so it's fine for now" I tell him, he slightly nods.

I looked into his eyes, he looked really innocent. He clearly didn't like the idea of killing someone, but he probably needs getting used to it, I'm gonna keep a close eye on him.. I don't want any of the other assasins potentially hurting him.

He had a cut in his shoulder from one of the people we were trying to catch. But he wasn't too worried, which made me a little confused, it seemed pretty deep too- "done..?" He asked, I nodded. "I'll get the last guy, you just watch and see how to do it, Kay?" I said, he nodded

I went and ran to the last one, but hid behind something. He had definitely heard a noise.. it'll be fine-

He moved to go near where I was hiding and I jumped out, and stabbed him in the back if the head and his spine

Tokito was looking at me, or in my direction, completely terrified. "Its not that bad!" I yelled to him, he froze before yelling "mhm.." back

God I hope he'll do well.. I know he can but.. he seems terrified of violence.. maybe because of his brother? And parents.

I sighed and shook my head, then ran up to him again, patting his head. "Your not going to get anywhere if you can't do this. I want you to try your best okay?" I ask, he nods. "I'm not helping anymore, you'll have to do the rest on your own." I say, trying to be more tough on him, he sighsand mumbles something that I couldn't quite understand, "go ask tanjiro to help. He might do something" I told him, "uh huh.." He replied softly

I felt bad for the poor guy, he seems worried.. he'll be fine. Just don't act like he's special, he's like the others.

He felt his bun which slightly fell out, I went to fix it for him but he pushed my hand away, "sorry-! I'm just really uncomfortable with people touching my hair.." He said quickly, I shook my head. "No worries. Just take it out or put it in a ponytail, that's what the others do." I told him but he kept making hesitant noises.

I'm going to check his hair length at some point.. I can tell its very long.

"Okay, well. Sit down time and you can meet the other assasins from all ranks, then you have more shit to do." I tell him and head off.

Mui pov

Stupid ass hair.. I could've been caught..

I tye my hair back I its bun and head back, I'm fine with the violence.. I just feel bad for the people.. what did they do to deserve that.. people paying for them to be killed.

I put my gun back in my pocket and left to go home.

I was walking back and bumped into someone.. bashing into them hard.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I said, getting up to help the other one but saw someone familiar..

"What is wrong with you-?!" The girl said, sitting up. She looked at me and her eyes widened. "Tokito!" She screamed, I looked at her, confused. "Who.. huh.. I don't kn-" "it's me! Daki! Remember??"

My heart dropped..

"A-ah- I need to g-go my girlfriends at home aha.." I said, trying to get past, "girlfriend?! Who?!" She said, still interrogating me, I shook my head. "Im going now, bye bye-" "come backkkk!" She said, grabbing into my hair and pulling the bun out. My hair unraveled and I took my hairtye out to pit it on my wrist to re tye it, but my hair was grabbed. "LOOK AT THAT HAIR! LEMME-" "DAKI FUCKING STOP." I lashed out at her, she stopped, "you know what you've done to me, I won't fucking forgive you, no go back to your 'oNi ChAn' " I told her, she got pissed.

She grabbed onto my hair, "what the fuck did you say?" She said, yanking my hair, "I could tell akaza how long your hair is. Then you'd have to have a haircut, I could cut this." She said, I ripped my hair out of her hands and ran as fast as possible.

Aois apartment was close so I ran into her house, praying to God inosuke wasn't there, daki was still running after me.

I opened the door to see aoi cooking  and inosuke not home "Aoi dakis fucking chasing me, pretend to be my girlfriend!" I whisper shouted st her in full panick, she nodded and turned the stove off.

We heard a loud bash on the door and she opened it, "Hello?" She asked, I put my arm over her shoulder and daki looked at me and snarled. "Who the fuck are you.." she said to Aoi, "Aoi, I'm muichiros girlfriend." She said, leaving a fake kiss on my cheek

Fucking perfect. This is why Aoi is the best friend I could have.

"Could I come in?" Daki asked, aoi shook her head and looked at me, "hun, would would like her to come in or would you like to chill out?" She asked me, giving me a look that says 'I hope that's okay' meaning she wanted to know if I was fine with her calling me that. "I'd like to chill out before dinner, then we can sleep.." I said, she nodded. "Maybe another day, muis had a long day at work." She said, stroking my hair, dski snarled and slammed the door.

"Thank you so.. so much.." I thanked aoi, she shook her head. "No problem, I remember what she did to you." She said, "I just hope the hun and fake kiss was fine with you." She said, I nodded " I won't say shit to inosuke" I told her, "allgood, want to stay for dinner?" "Yes please.."

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