chapter eight

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Mui pov

I had gotten back home to read the note..

"Basic self defense.. knowing how to use a gun.. " I read outloud before stopping at a certain bulletpoint..

"Hair length.."

Oh no.. I turned the note over to see the specified version

Hair length.

Men can't have hair longer than the middle of their back, woman however can have it to their hips. This is for safety and so it doesn't distract you while doing the job

Crap.. that isn't good..

I'm not cutting my hair.. no way.. I'm going to keep it long..

I should text aoi..

Heyyyy, so yk the uh- job


I need to cut my hair..

.. 😊🔪
You are not cutting your hair

I might have to..

See me tomorrow, I'll be at mitsuris Cafe and we can get her in it too. Cus again, mitsuri would rather die than have you get a haircut

Alrighty then.. byeee

Bye bye


I don't want to cut It..

I'm sure I won't have to.. I can hide it in a bun- yeah- I'll do that..

I felt slightly uneasy, I could barely trust anyone other than mitsuri or aoi even just touching my hair that's how important it is to me- and now I might have to cut it..

No- I'll keep it in a bun. I'll just say it's the middle of my back but really thick so they wont suspect it.. that'd work.. right?

I took a look at my hair, Then took it out of the bun.

"Should I tell the group chat..?" I ask myself outloud.

Quick A/N!!
I'm going to set out the texts differently so you know who it is. And it's a snapchat thing so there's users and shit because- fuck idk, let's just pretend gyomei has snap too-

MistyMui- guys I think I have to cut my hair

Milksuri 💖🍡- EHAT-?!

obanai.- finally 🙌

MistyMui- shut up, your wife's upset. Comfort her

Salami- nice, but who the fuck made my name salami?

DADDY 😍😍🔞🔞- muipunzel boutta be muipunzel at the end of the movie

MistyMui- shut up you whore

Gayuu- muis getting a haircut?


Gayuu- oh-?

MistyMui- I think I have to, but I haven't gotten it yet or anything

Umai!!- that's very brave of you mui!

MistyMui- oh no I don't want to, I think I need it for a job

"You know what.. I am NOT cutting it. I'll tie it up!" I tell myself, flopping onto my bed while my hair spills everywhere like water

At this point I think my hairs like- not personality- but it's a huge thing about me. So, I'll be keeping it long if I'm able to

Hello! Yes I did write a whole ass chapter of mui going through a crisis about his hair. I'm currently sick so I have nothing better to do ykyk so I'll either update HEAPS, or barely update for a little while

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