chapter twenty seven

456 11 66

Mui pov

I've felt honestly.... Really.. Odd, recently

I don't know why, that cut on my cheek from the guy.. The guy that killed Yui, and mama, it's scarred.. I've tried putting moisturizer on it so it wouldn't scar but it did, it fucking scarred...

Now what do I do, huh? I have a scar from the man who ruined my fucking life... Took away my whole childhood and my family..

And now I have a damn scar from him...?

At least the fucker is dead...


Jesus Christ that was violent...

Am I getting more violent.....? Oh I don't like that.. What if I end up like tanjiro? He used to be nice, apparently...

But.. I can't help it when my job is killing people.. The fuck else am I supposed to do, huh...?

I'm still me, I'm still mui.. I'm still childish and play genshin, ultimate custom night, superhero tycoon until one in the morning.. But I became.. More violent?

That's... I don't like that...

Whatever.. Maybe I'll ask genya? He's the only person I can talk to about this sort of stuff without getting my ass sent straight to jail..

Plus.. I like talking to him, he's handsomeeee...

He's.. Also my boss.. And, yeah, I'd get my ass killed if I even tried to kiss or make a move on him, either by him or one of the assassins.. But he doesn't seem to mind me..

In fact, he's been inviting me to his office a lot

Which is kinda odd, he just kinda.. Talks, talks and rambles while I just listen and stare at his handsome face- man he's handsome... Like I haven't said that enough but still, he's a good looking dude

A lot of the time of get hit with "Why are you staring at me, mui?" Or "Is there something on my face?" And.. You know, I'll say some flirty comment but he usually takes it as a joke, not for real..


I'm gonna go annoy him

I hopped on my phone and went straight to my messages, to see... Tanjiro? I thought I blocked his number? It unblocked itself... Weird..

Hey, I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I think I may have made you uncomfortable. That's my own fault, would I be able to talk it out with you?


Yeah no thanks buddy, you're getting left on opened



Fucking hell

Hi? I don't know, I'm busy, okay? I just don't know how to feel about you with how you've been acting

Come on mui, I won't do anything, all I want is for us to be even, you know?

Maybe, I'll think about it

Thank you

Yeah and time to never think about that bullshit...

Augh, that dude is gross.. He touched me the other day, not badly, he just pulled me until a hug out of nowhere and was making weird comments..

The assassins were being dumb, making drama as always and tanjiro was like

"Yeah.. I mean, look, if there's anyone here I'd date, it'd be mui, hey mui?"

And I kinda just stood there trying to push away but he held me close... Fucking weirdo, dickhead...


Oh my fucking god he's trying to call me! Dude, do you not understand shit? I don't want to talk to you

Whatever.. I'll pick up

Hey muiii~ how are you

Was good

Why not any more?

I just feel weird, don't know, I was gonna have some time to myself to nap

Hah, can I come with?

Excuse me?

I'm kidding, I'm just trying to be chill with you

You told me you wanted to change and you're acting like this.. If you're going to change, maybe don't say things like that? Please


Fuck, I sound like an asshole don't I..?

I'll leave you to have your nap then?

Ah, sorry-

I get it, bye bye

Oh, bye

Stupid idiot, why did you apologize? You can't be so soft....

Whatever, I'm just gonna message genya

No new messages? Ahw mannn...

Well, guess I'll have to start the convo..

You good? Or busy?

Hey mui, what's up? I'm just doing some work

Fuck yeah

Knock knock

Oh no
Who's there, mui?




Mui what the fuck?

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Mui what the fuck?

And time to leave him wondering why he employed me, yayyy

Hope that was an okay chap 😭 I need to get back into writing my god.. Love you guys though, you guys are AWESOME

HAve a good day/night!

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