chapter twenty

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Mui pov

"And weapons? Would you want any new ones? Any new gear?" He asked me, I thought for a moment before answering, "ah- I think I'll be okay, what do you have though..?" I asked, he smiled, grabbing a box, "it'll have all the stuff in here" he told me, passing the box over to me, I looked through it, there were a lot of guns and knives-

"Woah.." I let out, picking up a knife and looking at it, it was colloured like my hair.. I really liked it actually- "you like that one?" He asked, I softly nodded, "how much is it?" I asked in a soft tone, still admiring the knife. "Free, they're all free" he told me

I slightly shot up, "really..? I would've thought they were expensive as-" I told him, he laughed "No, all assasins get to choose weapons, depending on which ones, they can be free or expensive. The knives are all free, I can see you like that one-" he said

I did, I really liked it-

I nodded as he lived his chair a tiny bit closer, "Ohh, yes, that's a good one, I've used it before, it's really sharp" he told me, opening it, it made a loud click before spinning open

"Holy shit.." I said, running my finger across the blade, "it is sharp.. Oh my god.." I said, he smiled "Extremely, please be careful, I don't want you hurt" he told me, taking the knife from me and slowly closing it, I nodded, "I will be careful, don't worry, I'll keep it in my pocket, and I'll make sure to keep it closed" I told him, he smiled at me

"Well, we're almost done, I just have one more uh.. Question.."

I tilted my head in confusion, "what is it?" I asked, "it's not a question.. But more of.. I don't know how to explain it-" he said, I nodded, he took a deep breath

"I need you to take your hair out.."

. ..

My heart sank..

"Pardon..?" I asked, "I need to check your hair length.. I need to know if it's the right length" he told me. I sighed..


"Uh.. It's just ehm.. Embarrassing.." I said, he furrowed his brows, "why is it embarrassing..?" He asked, I just looked down, "I haven't had a haircut in really long.." I told him, he moved slightly closer, "that's fine, just- please take it out so I can see" he said, I looked away

I reached behind my bun and slowly took out the elastic..

I felt my hair fall out of the bun, and I just stood there, looking away..

Genyas eyes widened as he saw my hair, I couldn't tell if it was a good look, or a bad look, "I'm sorry... I just.." "No it's okay.. That's.. Really impressive.." He said, he moved his hand towards my hair to grab a small chunk, he touched it

Gen pov

His hairs so.. Long.. What the hell.. It's at his knees.. Oh my god..

I moved my hand towards his hair and grabbed a chunk to hold, it felt so.. Silky..

He slightly tensed up the second I touched it, I ran my fingers through it from the top to the bottom before I stopped, "Hey no it's alright.. I don't have any sharp things on me, nothing like scissors" I told him

He just seemed really.. Uncomfortable..

"I'm going to need you to keep it out for a bit, so I know how long it is, but I promise, I have no scissors on me, I will not cut your hair" I said, he nodded, "I just.. Ah.. I'm so sorry.." He said, putting his hair behind his back

"No it's fine, don't worry about it, I can see why you haven't cut it, it's really- really long.." I told him, he nodded, "I'm sorry.. It's just.. Fuck.. I know I need a haircut.." He said, I shook my head, "No, it's fine, it's hair, don't worry about it-" I tell him once again.

"Your hairs.. Wow.." I told him, it easy so- so long.. How does he maintain that?!

He nodded, "Ive hated haircuts ever since my uncles friend cut it.. Then I got really attached to it and it just got really long..." He said, touching a portion

I really don't want to make him cut it..

"You know what.. You can keep it, I won't make you cut it"

His eyes lit up, "really?!" He asked, I nodded, "it seems really special to you, and it's extremely long, I don't want you to have to cut it" I said, he nodded, "thank you so much.." He said, "No worries, but don't let any of the assassins see it out, they WILL cut it." I tell him, he nods frantically, "yes.. Thank you again.." He said

I nodded, "you might want to tie it up now, to leave, there might be some assassins still out there, would you like me to help?" I asked, he shook his head, "sorry- it's just weird for other people to touch i-" "no worries, I understand-" I said, watching him tie his long hair into a bun, like magic

Sorry this chapter is bland and short.. I'm just not happy with my writing right now- bye byeeee

I am on break- it's just I really wanted to get this one out because it's important later on in the plot, (it includes scissors >:]  )

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