chapter one

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Mui pov

"Yes.. I know-" I say on the phone to a friend, "you have to get a job mui. You can come work at the Cafe if you want-" she tells me.

I sigh, I really didn't want to work anywhere.. but I have to- I'm living in akazas apartment with him. He's the only person who I can trust with anything at this point, mitsuris already told obanai about my parents and brother. I mean come on- I told her to keep it a secret and I guess her husband's okay to tell, but tengen, rengoku and giyu know too now-

"I'll figure it out kanjori- I'll get a job at some point I just need to find one I want alright?" I say, she paused for a moment. "Fine, but you still need to come to the Cafe on weekends or I'll miss you" She tells me. "Alright, I'll come on the weekends for lunch. How's that?" I ask, "yes! Alright, bye mui!" She says, "Bye bye-" I say, ending the call.

I lay back on my bed and sighed, my hair spilling everywhere. "What am I gonna do..?" I ask myself, lying on my side and started playing with my ridiculously long hair.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and immediently shot up and tyed my hair into a bun.

"Hey mui, you alright?" I heard akaza say from behind the door, "uh huh-" I let out, tying my hair up in a bun so he doesn't see its length. "I was going to go to the store, did you want anything?" He says, again behind the door. "You can come in aha-" I say, he slowly opened the door and smiled.

"Need anything from the store?" He asked, I shake my head. "I'm algood, plus I think you know what I'm gonna say" I joke. "Alright I'll get you chips, I'll be back in ten" He says, closing the door. "No- you don't have to I was joking-" I yell, making sure he'd hear it but he didn't reply and just grabbed his keys.

I heard the front door slam shut. I took my hair out and layed back down, "what Jobs could I do..?" I think to myself.

"Uh- let me call tengen he might be able to help. He's wise I guess-" I tell myself, reaching for my phone once again.

I opened up my phone and looked at my background, it was a Polaroid picture of yui and I from when we were 11. I had twigs in my hair, his was in a bun and we were climbing a ginko tree.

I swiped to put in my password


And then I went into my contacts,

Dad (akaza)
Daddy tengen

"Why did I let him name his own contact.." I thought to myself, I pressed the call button, I waited for a little moment before he answered. He put it on video,

"TENGEN PUT A SHIRT ON YOU HOE" I screamed at him, "Nah, whyd you call?" He asks, "what job do you think I should apply for.. I'm really stuck and need help you know?" I tell him. "Hairdresser, then you can deal with that hair of yours" He tells me, chuckling slightly "haha very funny" I reply in a pissed tone. "I'm joking, how even long is your hair now-" he asks, I stare at him. "Fine, show me. Your cameras on anyway so-" he adds

I sigh and rest my phone against a stack of laundry on my bed and stand up so he could see. "DAMN THAT SHITS ALMOST AT YOUR KNEES HOLY CRAP!" He shouts, I look at him again, pissed. "Yeah, you and mitsuri I think are the only people who have seen it out- its always in a bun-" I tell him. "The fuck you need to cut it" He tells me, "No" I reply.

"Fine then, rapunzel" He says in a petty tone. "No but seriously mui, atleast a trim-" he tells me. "No. I'm keeping it, and I swear to God if you tell anyone I'll rip your fucking head off" I say, he pauses for a second.

"Can I use some dark humor here or nah, it has to do with yuichiro" he says. "I will kill you, whore" I tell him. "That's what they said to your pare- IM KIDDING!" He said, I jut froze and looked down. I know he's joking but still-

"Just please don't joke about that-" I tell him. "Yeah yeah sorry, I shouldn't have said it I apologize" He tells me, I thank him. "Well, I don't know what you should do either. Have a look online I'd say, or ask aoi"

I sigh, "aight, bye tengen" I tell him "bye rapunzel!" He says, slightly laughing before I end the call

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