chapter two

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Mui pov

I woke up, I had fallen asleep due to how much job research I had done last night.. it was crazy, I think I stopped at like what? 4am? And that's because I just fell asleep right then and there..

I unraveled myself from my hair that was basicky tying me up like vines before sitting up and grabbing my brush.

"Ah.. should I just get akaza to brush it.. he would never cut it.. but I'm just worried because of what.." I say, pausing.

"When gyokko cut it.."

It's been stuck in my brain whenever I'm around one of them.. I'm scared it'll happen again, that's why I'm with akaza, he always trimmed my hair for me.. was so nice.. I moved back here because I couldn't stand gyokko anymore. I had to live there since I was thirteen, all the way until nineteen. Just having my hsir grabbed, touched. Heck gyuutaros younger sister would be really rude and tug it and braid it when I told her it made me uncomfortable and all she did was snitch on me and I'd get in massive trouble. I hate her ass.

I had to spend 4 of those years without akaza since he couldnt stand them either and left.. he tried taking custody over me so I didn't have to live with them but since koku was my relative.. he wasn't able to..

I just hate them. I never want to see them again but I have a barbecue coming up and I'll have to see them..

Nevermind, just don't think of it. You'll only get pissed.

I started brushing my hair, bottom to top. It was.. surprisingly healthy- my ends were always dry- they don't seem dry at all now..

"Did kanjori do something to my hair-? Like put a product in it-" I thought ouloud

I remembered her putting this oil..? In it. She told me to put it in every morning to make it softer and easier to brush, I guess she was right-

I grabbed the oil and put it on my hands before rubbing it into the ends of my hair.

I grabbed the brush and slowly brushed my long as hair, making sure to be extra careful and not damage my hair. I then slowly brushed it, thinking of what to do today.

"I could see mitsuri or.. search for jobs again..?" I say, getting to s tangle and brushing it out, not even realizing I'm doing it due to my routine of doing it every night and day.

I message mitsuri

Hey, yall open? Or free?

No sorry mui- obanai and I are going out to the movies..

Ohh okay, don't worry then. Have a nice time

Kya thank you mui!

If you come back with hickeys I called it


I chuckled and left my phone on the bed, tying my hair into a bun. It was sorta messy, but hey. I don't have anywhere to be- and no job so..

I got a call from Aoi, she also sent a message..

Mui I have job ideas, I know your looking for jobs and I could help

Oh..? Maybe she could help, I mean- she's in a pretty high paying job. How else does she pay all the bills, inosuke isn't working for shit. He'd prolly get fired for throwing shit on the staff bathroom walls on the first day anyways-

Aight, when should I head over? Are we gonna go anywhere? Just so I know what to wear

Just something casual, we prolly wont go anywhere so just come in shorts and a shirt if you'd like.

Aight, see you in ten

And she left me on read- of course..

I just put on a shirt and shorts along with my backpack. My shirt was light blue and quite baggy with some black shorts. My bag was also black and had many Keychains.

I put my brush, phone, charger, hairties and other essential things in.

I walked out the door, I looked at akaza. "I'm heading off to aois, I'll bring you some food on the way back! Love you dad!" I say, to him, waving. He smiles, "aight, have a nice time mui" he says in reply, slightly waving.

I walked around and around, trying to find her and inosukes house with muscle memory and found it after a long, long while.

I walked to their door and knocked, "Hello? It's mui-" I said, I heard something from inside and put my ear to the door..


I moved my ear away, and slowly opened the door, "IM NOT A BITC- oh, hey mui-!" Aoi cut herself off, staring at insouke. "Hi rapunzel" He said bluntly. "Heyy-" I say.

I walk in and take off my shoes, I walk up to aoi and go to hug her, she was quite tall for a female. But I was still way taller. She would be.. around 5'7..?

She gave me a hug and I pat her on the head, not liking hugs too much. "So, inosukes heading out soon to go get me lunch. Cus he owes me it for being a dickhead" She says, playfully snarling at him. He just looked playfully pissed before going into their room to get changed.

I sat on the couch next to aoi, "Ah, hair time" she says, I sigh and turn around. Letting her take out my bun and play with my ridiculously long hair. "INO, GET YOUR ASS HERE" She yelled, lightly holding my hair in her hands. "Whattttt-" he says, pissed. "See, it's not that goddamn hard to grow your hair a tiny bit longer so I can braid it. Look at muis hair, he takes care of that on his own." She says, trying to convince him to grow his hair. Which I found pretty funny.

"Hm.. no" He says, bluntly but playfully, "fine- mui has better hair anyway" she says, he growls.

She then goes back to braiding my hair as inosuke goes into the bathroom. "Aight, so.. jobs?" She says, braiding my hair lightly. I nod

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