chapter sixteen

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A/N this chap might seem bland because I've honestly not been to happy at the moment, I'm currently blasting "alien blues" and "my time" while writing this to try make me feel better


I've done alot at work this week, I went for this guy today, he looked alot like that weird ass guy I knew in elementary, he had long ass blonde hair and weird scars. That's my sixth one this week, I'm probably going to get a raise or something from that-

I'm so happy with myself at the moment, well- with my skills. It's been a little tough for me, I mean.. the group chat with tengen, mitsuri, obanai, giyuu and all that is called "as dead as muis mother 😂😂💀💀" so I guess that's not awesome. But otherwise, pretty happy.

Akaza offered to brush my hair today since he really liked my hair when inwas a kid, and uh..

Yeah he told me I needed a trim..

I'm not going to though, I know he's not going to cut it.. he's amazing like that, the most he'd do is recommend me to cut or trim my hair, nothing like cutting it without me knowing..

It's also really healthy.. I think it's kanjori, she's started making her own hair oils, they work pretty well.

On the topic of hair, obanai went for a wolfcut.. it just.. it looks worse and even more choppy than his regular hair, it's so bad mitsuri had to cut it short. So he looks fucking weird at the moment, but anyone who gives him shit about it is fucking deathstared. I'm not gonna give him shit, he knows how long my hair is and WILL cut it..

Tengens also being a dick, I was staying his house for dinner and I had my hair out ,(my dumbass thought it was a good idea-) and I had it over the back of my chair, he touched it, picked it up and put scissors to it


like- that's not even fucking funny, how would he feel if he was in MY situation there. Fucking worried. Cus he always made jokes about cutting it, it was just- fucking annoying as hell..

Anyways, I have to go to aois, I already wrote what happened with inosuke. But yeah, it's a dinner to make up for it,


I close my diary and sit up on my bed, dragging my hair with me, like always, it was everywhere.

I checked my phone for any new potential messages..

Tanjiro 😟😐
wanna hang out??

Uh.. I really don't, he's weird as actual fuck, he made jokes about.. some weird shit towards me yesterday.

'Heyy, sorry I can't, I have a familly dinner

Your familly is dead-

He did not just say that..

Family, she's like family, it's a friend and her boyfriend

Aight then. See you tomorrow <3



I should prolly use that fake girlfriend that I have to make him stop.. the other day he fucking pinned me against the wall, he also forced me to drink red wine.. he's honestly just.. weird..

I put my diary down and put my coat on, it was a yellow coat, I wear it all the time

I got a bit of concealer and put it on the tattoo of a cemi colon, so inosuke wouldn't say shit about it.

I hate him, honestly. He went on aois Instagram to find mine, and then he started messaging me some really horrible shit, things like "Noone would give a shit if you died." And that, he's fucking rude as hell now. I don't even understand what I did- I dissed him as a joke- and now he's doing this..

I dont want to tell Aoi, she'll get really mad at him.. I don't want to ruin their relationship..

I quickly tied my hair up, then went out the door, I passed akaza on the way, he patted me on the head, "where are you going?" He asked, "Aois, it's an apology dinner for what inosuke said.." I tell him, he nods. "If anything goes wrong, call me, I'll come pick you up." He said, I nod, "thank you.. bye bye-" I said, walking out the door, "byeee-" he said

I started walking, it felt off.. I didn't want to go there.. it was quite obvious..

But.. I have to..

I let my hair out and started walking again, I liked the feeling of having it out, but only near people I trusted

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