chapter twenty two

676 20 68

Genya pov

Normally I look through the new assassins accounts, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, anything really, just to know what they're like

I'd normally go through them with sanemi, as he was the founder of this, but, mui doesn't seem sketchy like everyone else, he seemss like as genuinely nice guy

Well.. Time to do some stalking and research-



(As you can probably tell, this is fake, I made it in like 5 minutes on ibis paint x)

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(As you can probably tell, this is fake, I made it in like 5 minutes on ibis paint x)

I think weve found him-

I quickly looked through a few of his posts, he had a picture of him and some older guy, he had a few line tattoos.. He looks.. Odd, is mui oka-

'Chilling out with dad 💯💯'

Oh- that's his dad..? Well- adopted dad?


Man I feel like a crazy stalker looking through his page, but.. It's kinda part of my job, he has nothing weird on here anyway

There's a picture of him with his hair out, I'll ask him to take it down incase any other assassins decide to try find his insta as well

Hmm.. Who's following him?


Who the fuck is that aoi person- are they like.. Stalking him-?

I went into their page.. Huh.. Oh- they're a friend of muis, there are like 6 pictures if him and her, alrighty

Well at least urs nothing bad..

He seems to be Algood I'd say

He has Snapchat, I know that for a fact since ive heard Snapchat notifications coming from his phone


Man- what the hell..


Lovely, he's so creative with his usernames in the worst way possible-

You know what, let's friend him..

You are now friends with MUI_YOURMUMIS🔥


Jesus Christ

Hello? Who are you?

Genya, why the hell are you online this late.. Early

OHHHH- Hello! And I should ask you the same?

I'm stalking all your profiles for my own reason, you?

Oh- straight up- see anything you like? 😉😉

Go away

Shit, sorry- forgot you're my boss, uh- I'm playing games

What games?

Uhh.. Twerk race 3D

I am so disappointed

Me too

Well, go to sleep, toh have missions, and you need rest, it's important

Ahh, alrighty, well, good nightttt! Have a good sleep! Nighty night

Nighty night

He is something else..

Anyway, back to stalking.. Anything else?




I ended up barely sleeping due to all this research, goddamn mui has a lot of social media accounts what the hell-


Even stalked his Spotify to see what shit he listens to, kinda worried about that actually-


_MUI.TOKITO_ made a post

Ahh, let's see

Whats he gonna post toda-

(Cue epic author editing skills)

I am so done with this shit, honestly, this man HAS to be under the influence of something

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I am so done with this shit, honestly, this man HAS to be under the influence of something

There is no way that a sane 21 year old posts pictures of roblox spring trap, come on-

Well, clearly ONE twenty one year old does.. Aka mui-

You know what.. I don't even care, I'm gonna let him be.. Let him uh.. Play roblox?

•The 'Ass' In Assasin • GENMUIWhere stories live. Discover now