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So, I'm deleting that chapter

For anyone who didn't read it, it was what happened between muichiro and tanjiro that night, and even though I warned people, not to read, MANY times, and even in that chapter stated that if you don't like it, don't read it

So, I offended someone

I didn't mean to and that's not what was intended, at fucking all

I'm 13, turning 14, I'm not trying to make people uncomfortable, I'm trying to write a story. I'm sorry I've offended you and I'll delete the chap, maybe even the book at this point, I feel useless now, so yeah

I'm sorry I upset you, that wasn't my intentions, and thank you for being a fan of my books, please don't think badly of me for this, it'll be my only time writing it, and itll be deleted

I'd also like to state that I don't want to write things such as that, I just needed it for the plot of the book

I've put warnings all over the book to tell people not to read it, I've put 3, so people know, and I'm sorry it scared you

I'll be deleting that chapter now, I'm sorry this happened, it won't happen again, I'm serious

I'm aware the person blocked me I'm pretty sure, since I freaked out and posted a message on their board, apologizing, but, this is to everybody else

I don't know if I'll repost that chapter back up, if you guys want the raw, honest plot of what this book was supposed to be, maybe, but otherwise I'm going to have to.. I don't know, make it less whatever the fuck I wrote

I cut off before anything happened, but they were mad I fucked with tanjiros personality too, and I can't change that now

I just want to say I'm really sorry and I don't want anyone to think badly of me now

There are a lot worse things out there of them, not even aged up, and I had heaps of warnings, so I didn't expect this and it scared me, so, I'm sorry this happened

-Ollie MistHashiraMui

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