chapter fiveteen

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Mui pov

It's been a few days here, I've done pretty well.. all the others have been whispering about me though.. that tanjiro guy told me some of them had somehow found out about my parents and yuichiro.. I don't know how the fuck they did that.. but it's scary..

"Let me touch your hair, come on.." tanjiro said looking at me with big eyes. I shook my head, "I really important to me okay..?" I lied, I mean.. it is, but that's not the reason i don't want him seeing it, or touching it. I'm worried the others will see its length, it's longer than what it should be.. "I won't cut it, if I do, you can shoot me dead." He told me, I still shook my head. "It.. it has to do with my mother, okay?" I told him, he nodded, "kay, I understand" He said quietly.

"Got any missions today??" He asked, pulling a knife out of his pocket and looking at it, sliding his finger across the sharp end


"Uh.. yes.. how about you?" I ask, "just one" He hums in response, I nod silently, "I have to go try and meet up with a guy though.. like go see him." I told him, "be careful though, just don't let them hurt you." He said, patting my shoulder.

Sure he was reassuring.. but also.. off.. he'd been acting kinda odd to me, according to Leon he had a crush on me..

"Well, you'd better get on with that task of yours, I'll see you back here later." He said, putting his hand on the back of my head, clearly trying to get my hairtye out. I smacked his hand and give him a weird look, "cut it out, I said No." I told him, he rolled his eyes "kay, bye~" he said before running off.

I started walking off to the address, once I got there I put my phone in my pocket incase I needed to call anyone, I had tanjiros number, although I don't want to be near him.. and aois, I'm sure she'll help me.

It was a party, so I had to interact with people, apparently tanjiros little sister was there.. I don't know her name.. begins with an 'N' if I'm right, Nezino..? No.. forget it, she has orange and black hair, I'll find her at some point.

The guy I'm looking for.. dark blue hair.. green eyes.. most likely a black suit with tiny grey stripes..

(A/N: not me double checking this chapter and realizing I wrote shuichi fucking saihara as the guy muis killing-💀💀 I think I was actually high on some shit, it was like 2:20 am-)

I scanned the room, but couldn't see him..

Tanjiro said to look out for his sister, make sure she's okay, not being harrased or anything. But frankly, I think it's his problem, he was like "she's wearing a mini skirt so I'm worried" okay? Her problem, her choice to wear that shit.

I just rolled my eyes, I felt my hair getting a bit loose, like the bun was slightly falling out. I decided to go to the bathroom to fix it,

I stood in the mirror and took my hair out, scarcely brushing my fingers through it, before I finnished I felt something else touching my hair and swung back, turning to see what was there. "You shouldn't be in here pretty girl~" a man who was very drunk said, pulling my chin, "I'm a guy- I just have long hair.. now please get off m- A-ah.." I said as he pinned me against the wall, his face very.. very close to mine. "Your so cute.." He said, trying to kiss me but I pushed him on the floor.

"Do you know where the owner of the party is? Id like to talk to him.." I said, trying to figure out where the guy I'm meant to kill is, the guy smirked. "I'll tell you for a little.." He said, making a weird face before giggling, I smashed his head on the ground. "Your fucking disgusting.. I'm 20, asshole." I tell him, he weeps in pain as his nose starts to bleed. "He's.. playing.. pool.." He said, I nodded. "Say anything to anyone.. I will grab a needle, and shove it up your nose until it touches your fucking brain." I told him, he nodded and shivered, I got off him and left the bathroom.

I walked to the pool table and saw him..

"Perfect.." I muttered under my breath and smiled.. I had started getting alot.. more sinister after this job.. I didn't give a shit about hurting people other than aoi or akaza..

I walked over to the guy and patted him on the shoulder, he was smoking..

I don't smoke.. I never will.. bit bit have to do it for the job..

"Wanna go outside for a cigarette?" I asked, he nods and smiled, I put my hand over his shoulder and dragged him outside, "your quite androgynous you know?" The guy said, I nodded, finally putting the cigarette in my mouth.. it was awful..

"Come here.." I said, signifying I was going to tell him something, by making a gesture near my mouth, he put his ear in my hand and I stabbed him in the chest. I chuckled slightly, just before I spoke.


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