chapter thirty

393 18 68

Thank you to everyone who was on my side about that whole thing. I'd just like to clarify that it was only added for THE PLOT

I don't like rape, it's not okay, and I don't want people to think I'm trying to fetishise it. It's needed for the plot, and I couldn't have replaced it for something else, it needed to be as serve as rape

So, thank youuuu, and enjoy

(Sorry if I seem drained, I just feel like actually fart poo right now)

Mui pov

“I… I promise..” I told tanjiro, shaking as he smiled and ran his fingers through my hair again, tilting his head, “Mm.. Good” he replied with a grin

“Please stop touching me..” “Still defensive? Really? After what I did last night..? Wow muichiro… you really have some nerves, huh?” He asked me, I just froze in place as he touched my thigh

“Just.. Please… .” “Why? Why can't I? You're not able to tell anyone” 

Even when I said that… I knew I'd tell someone, anyone, anyone that I could, the second that aoi gets here… I'm telling her.. I have nothing else to do

“I see you thinking about it, huh? Well.. I'll have you know that I know your hair length.. Which, if that got out.. Would immediately be cut short by genya… oh, but… . Guess what else I know, muichiro..?~” 

I froze as he climbed up into the couch, laying over me again, getting close to my neck to whisper something in my ear

“I know you have clear feelings for genya… we both know what would happen if people found out… don't we..?” He whispered, sending shivers down my spine… 

“I… I don't.. I don't have feelings for genya…” “I don't know, muichiro… say what you'd like but you can't fool me… .. So, maybe don't tell people about what happened.. You can't remember it anyway, can you?” He said with an evil laugh as I felt tears run back down my face.. 

He sat there, touching me over and over… before finally giving up.. 

“God you're so fragile aren't you… ? You're so close to breaking… maybe I'll do that another time.. Save it until you'll shatter to pieces like fine china…” he said, tracing the back of my neck with his finger before backing off… 

He stood up, grabbing my phone, and looking at it… 

“What's the password?” “Tanjiro what are you-” “Tell me the fucking password muichiro” he said sternly, scaring the life out of me

“I.. It's face ID…” I told him, he put it in front of my face, holding it there for a few seconds before it activated and opened… 

He scoffed, scrolling through my phone.. 

“What… ?” “You're so drained you won't even try to stop me doing anything I want to your phone… it's pathetic” he told me

… . … . … … .. … … . … . … . … … . … .

I walked into dads apartment… not ready to face him, he'd do nothing but worry and I can't have that.. I can't have that happen… he's already so so worried about me… 

“Hey muichiro, how was it?” He asked me, I just walked through the apartment, before standing outside my room door, “it was okay..” 

“You seem exhausted muichiro.. You slept pretty early though, before ten… I called and your friend picked up to say you were asleep” he chuckled, I felt my heart sink to the floor… 

That was the very second I was pinned to the ground… vulnerable… if he can fake it to my own father.. Then I'm doomed if anyone else finds out, he'll only lie and lie… imagine what else he lies about and gets away with… ? Or could lie about… and get away with…. ? 

“Hah, I just had a few drinks… I just feel a bit hungover..” I lied.. 

“You drank? Sensibly though, right?” “Yes.. I only had a few.. I get tipsy easily… it was only us… don't worry” “Was he drunk too? He seemed sober” 


He was definitely drunk.. Not that he doesn't act like that usually, but he was for sure drunk.. I don't like how he acted, he seemed wrong the second I came through that door… Why did I go with him..? 

“He was drinking too.. But he just doesn't get drunk easily.. He was well drunk by the end of the night. We were sensible though, okay? I swear…” I said, trying to dismiss the conversation, wanting to just lay in bed and cry… . 

“Mhm, that's okay.. Have you eaten?” “No.. Sorry” “It's okay, I'll make you some food, just go sit in your room.. I'll heat up some pasta for you, alright?” 

… .. … . … . . . .. 

I sat in my room… My arms wrapped around my waist.. Well, one of them.. One was around my mouth, I was biting it.. So dad couldn't hear my silent sobs.. 

I had tears staining my face, all of it, my hair, a mess, dangling over the side of my bed.. Not wanting to even feel the texture or weight of it.. The weight of last night was enough to handle.. I can't even handle that

“W-Why… . ?” I sobbed.. Clenching my side to the point I could rip my skin open.. 

“Why would he do that to me… . ? Is this what I deserve… ? For being like… this..?” I asked the universe.. 

I don't even know what's wrong with me.. What I did wrong to deserve this… but I must have done something… right… ? This wouldn't happen if I did nothing wrong… 

I've been crying… for hours.. Not moving my spot… drowning myself in the salty, swallowing tears… 

I was laid there like a statue… not meaning.. Just sinking in sobs… 

It was almost midnight…The whole house silent, when my phone lit up with a buzz

I picked it up.. Seeing it was an Instagram notification… it's probably tanjiro… 

My heart sunk as I took a shame breath in, before I clicked on it… 


Sent you a message

Hey, is everything alright? You're normally sending me cat videos twenty four seven. You haven't messaged in a few days

I sighed, 

“Genya…” I muttered, wiping some water away from my face and eyes.. Turning my phone on, my face ID not working due to how dark it was in my room.. The only light was from the moonlight in my window… 

I typed in my password.. 

And then immediately went into the message… 

I'm okay, sorry, just something happened to me and I'm a little upset


That's okay, but you're usually always online. I'm here to talk if you need, I'll always be here

You're my boss, I can't vent to you, you shouldn't be caring about me so much


Okay yeah something is up, come on, you're usually here messaging me cat videos and random oiled up men, now you're saying I shouldn't care? What's going on? 

I burst into tears again… dry tears, it was only the sobs.. I had run out of water from how much I had been crying… 

Genya… . I wish I could talk to you… I need someone… 

I need someone to be there.. But.. I'm so scared… . What if he does the same..? He won't… . Right? 

I turned back to my phone

I don't need it, I'm perfectly fine.. Don't worry :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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