chapter twelve

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A/N: so I'm gonna maybe be taking another godamn break cus life has just decided to throw a whole hepa of shit st me rn, like a breakup, family shit, my parents going through my shit, and now.. hives! (Or ringworm, some sort of crazy rash that burns and is red and bumpy all over)

Mui pov

There's a timeskip here btw!

Oh god...

My first day on the job today- very stressful.. what if they check my hair length-?! What if-

Fuck, if that happens it happens. I can't do much right now, I'll just.. go put on a suit..

It was a suit that we needed to wear, slightly odd, wouldn't that just make it harder to do all that murder and shit- ah- it doesn't matter.

I got it on, looking at myself in the mirror while doing it. "Jittt, I look good in a suit" I said to myself, I looked at my body though. Still very skinny, but I think I'm getting better, aois really helped with all that stuff.

I put my hair into a bun, making sure it was completely perfect, them adjusted my bangs.

Perfect.. now what what I do if I get blood on my suit..



just shut the fuck up, Shut up. If you talk then you have to...

Tell tengen you.. have a hickey..? Something bad like that I don't know-

So stop


"Oh my god.." I said, about to turn the doorknob.

I was here.. the head quarters- this is crazy-

I turned it and saw a few men looking at me.. one with crimson hair and pink eyes, he had a scar on his head too.. and one with blonde.. no.. strawberry blonde hair.. there was another but I couldn't see him well..

"Well well well, genyas dragged in another member huh?" The strawberry blonde one asked, slightly laughing. These guys were exactly what I thought I would see- and that's in the meanest way possible.

"Looks like it." The crimson haired one spoke, I tilted my head. "The fuck do you mean, have you got a problem?" The one in the shadow said, "yes, I do actually" the blonde one said, leaving the crimson haired one to roll his eyes at them, "I'm tanjiro, and those two are Leon, and Misaki" He said, pointing at them when their names came, leading me to knowing the blonde one was Leon, and the one in the shadow area was Misaki.

"Your a pretty fellow aren't ya?" Misaki said, I felt somewhat uncomfortable. "Yeah, and I'm a fucking guy" I said in reply. I wanted to sound aggressive.. or somewhat aggressive, "don't act like that pretty boy, I have a gun on me." They said, my heart dropped slightly, "can you not threaten everyone and anyone that's new..?" Tanjiro asked, he shook his head. "Im having fun, ay Le?" He said, Leon nodded. "Oh my god- anyway- we're the lower class, you'll get to meet the upper classes or middle classes today I'm assuming, or if you ever move up" Tanjiro spoke

Seems.. confusing..

"You have long hair" Leon said, "no shit, dumbass" tanjiro scolded him

Short asd chap today, sorry. I'm just fucking sore and itchy

Have a nice day/night!

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