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I'm a bit uh- worried? Yeah that's probably the word.. But I'm pretty worried about the assin assassin

So, if you know, you know, genius writers are fucking getting their asses beat for smut and shit. And although this will be the only time that I write smut, there's kinda worse than smut in that book

There's r@pe in it too, and uh.. Man I don't want to get cancelled or attacked, especially as I have my face on here aswell, which, yes, is my own problem but I really don't want you guys to beat my ass

And, I just want to say

If you don't like smut, r@pe, sh, su1c1de and other things.. Then please just don't read the book and don't attack the author, jeez.. Is it that hard?

It's the only place I'll be writing it, they're aged up. I've already had someone message me about it, thank god they were polite and just told me it was wrong and not to add it more than once.. But bro, have you guys not gone on AO3? That shit is wild, I've literally seen stuff of non-con mui x Yui x their dad on there.. Like holy fuck

But yeah

all that I'm asking is that you guys don't get all pressed or upset, or do anything off, because:

-I've aged them up

-I'm only adding the smut/r@pe for the plot, I can't change it to only be a cuddle or kiss, it has to be severe, and dw, it's nothing abusive or weird, I'm not saying it because it'll spoil the whole book but I swear everything is a healthy/good relationship

-This will be the only time I add smut or r@pe into a book (I know I've added hints to the school au but what ever, probably gonna give up on that book)

-I'm making sure it's controlled and not too extreme, as in, I won't write the r@pe scene, and probably not the smut either other than the before and after sort of thing (as I'm uncomfortable and don't want to make others uncomfortable)

-I'm not trying to glorify or anything like that when it comes to topics of r@pe, this will be the only mention. I never want to glorify anything of that, and never would. It's honestly disgusting and I know people who have been through r@pe or SA and I know it's horrible, I'd never glorify that. It's only as I need it for the plot

-And also.. Man.. It's an AU, you shouldn't get all pressed, it's a book, at the end of the day just stop reading it. If it's made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry, but seriously, don't attack me

So, thank you. I'm sorry for the long paragraph I've just been quite worried, I know there's much worse out there

(Believe me, I accidentally stumbled across non-con of mui x Yui x their dad and it was absolutely horrendous)

But I'm worried about fucking my reputation over just because of a book and I need to get this out here since it's been worrying me for a long time

I'll also be posting this to the book, to warn people, and to make sure they know what they are reading before they start,

Thank you guys for reading, stay safe, and any replies or anyone that has anything to say about this, feel free to reply

(Also.. I've decided to put a bit of a warning about this in the introduction aswell to warn anyone who plans to read this book)

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