Chapter Three

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Some of y'all may not understand where crowboy comes from. You may be screaming from your phones, "FELIX?! DO YOU JUST THINK IT'S FUNNY?! WHAT'S THE STORY!?" Take a deep breath, babes. You're okay. But yes, I shall explain, faithful reader.

Basically, I have little people living in my head. I'm a Crow. I was born to protect the Winglets. All the past lives of the Crows live in my head and control emotions. They'll whisper little bits of advice in my head on occasion. I don't really know what it means to be a Crow. I don't seem anymore powerful. I'm just like all the other Winglets. But, for whatever reason, I'm special. Anyway, back to the plot!

Fuck sports. I could do without sports. I can't kick, I can't throw, and I can only barely catch. The only things that gave me an advantage were the facts that I was tall and fast. Plus, normally the Gym teachers loved me, because I would try extra hard in games like capture the flag and tag and stuff. Hand ball with humans was super fun. Throwing and catching balls. Running around and scoring. All a good time. With Lets, however, shit got a little more complicated.

To start, half of it is flying. You can technically play it on the ground, but most people decided to make it more difficult in the air. You had to score without your feet touching the ground as well. You also have the option to use your secondary magic. Which..... I can't do. I have two magics, as I may have told you earlier, and one of them happens to be killing. So, that was absolutly out of the question. The other one I still don't really know what to do, but you know, that's okay. So yes. This is going to turn out so great.

The way you play Let handball is somewhat simple. There are four teams on court. Each corner of the gym is a goal. Each team consists of three-four people, one goalie, one striker, and two other players. The striker is the main person you throw to, so basically the MVP. To score, your feet have to be off the ground, as I stated earlier. Each round lasted around 8 minutes. The teams with the two highest scores stay. The teams with the two lowest scores go and sit in the bleachers.

6 more teams sat in the bleacher as I lined up with Ginger, Evie, and some other boy. I was one of the normal players with Ginger, Evie was a striker, and the boy was a goalie. My confidence was wavering. I was against a team of try hards. This wasn't going to end well. I was going to male a fool of myself. I WAS AN AWKWARD CHILD! LET ME BE!!

"Who wants to do the tip?" Mentor Avis asked. I scooted away. Ginger glanced at me for a split second, and then raised her hand. Good. There ws no fucking way. Too many eyes. Too many faces watching me and yelling at me what to do. No thank you, not for me.

Ginger passed the ball over to me, and I grabbed it and threw it to Evie. And so, the game began. Sneakers squeaking. Kids yelling from the sidelines. Wings and tails and horns collided and crashed leaving Celestial children spinning onto the floor, only to jump up to continue to play some more.

"STRIKER PASS!" Oh yes, a striker pass. If someone from the other team yells that, the striker with the ball has to spend the rest of the game on the ground. No scoring for them. That means that Ginger was the striker now. Evie was just a basic bitch. Or....maybe she was just nice. I don't know. Fuck being skeptical.

"GRAB THE REBOUND!" A kid from the bleacher yelled. I sprinted and grabbed the ball right before tossing it to Ginger. That seemed to please the monster in those chairs, watching me like a hawk, analyzing my every move. That's when I started to think about how it felt like to breath. And the more I thought about that, the less I did it. I tried to ground myself. I wasn't going to be the kid that passed out twice in a day.

I scrabbeled out of my brain, and tried to zone in on my competative person in my brain. Zachariah, if I'm correct.

Hey, Zach, if you're in there, now would be really helpful. I thought. I don't know if that's how it works. But I mean hey, it's worth a shot.

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