Chapter Eleven

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      That made a little bit of sense, to be honest. The one time I had somewhat of a chance to be different in a positive way, it turns out that I'm supposed to be killed if it's ever discovered I am like this. So yeah. So fun. But I already panicked in a class yesterday, so I can't do that tonight. Now, I sit in my desk, and yell at the voices in my head, which, by the way, are like, illegal to have, and then go scream at myself when I get home. What a glorious plan! SO COOL! 

      Ginger kept trying to talk to me, but I was zoned out. Some bubbly nonsense I didn't understand that I wish I did but right now those were the least of my concerns. Right now, I needed to think. I needed to remember. And fast. 

     I know I told Dr. Salliman. I defeintly told Dr. Salliman. I know I said, loud and clear. "I'm a Crow." I was met with silence, yes, but I wasn't BURNED AT THE FUCKING STAKE. So, you know. Yeah. 

      I think Owen might know. He knows. He most defeintly knows. He has some sort of weird mind reading thing, and ocassionaly he'll check on my mind. Like if he knows I smoked but don't want to say anything. And normally, around the time he does, I'm having a moral conversation with the funny little voices in my brain. Mostly Edward. Or someone else who's name I don't know. The common sense one. But I'm getting side tracked. 

      I have to tell Owen eventually. Tomorrow. At school. I promise that I will do that. Absolutely. But I'm still scared. What if he told other people? He absolutely told other people. I'm positive. He's telling everyone and soon I'll get burned at the stake. 

      "Hey," Ginger said, and touched my arm. I flinched. Nope. Not wanting to get touched right now. But it was rude to do that, so I didn't pull away. "You don't need to worry. The Crow isn't here." Oh, but the Crow is here. Like, right fucking here. Right now. Who you are touching. "Just focus on class. Everything is okay." I took a breath. 

      "Alright. Thank you. Yeah. I'm okay. Sorry, my brain just spirals sometimes. Anxiety." Yeah, of course. 

      "I get it. Focus on school work, it'll get better. Or, we would gossip. Whichever you prefer." Ginger laughed, which forced a smile out of me. Mentor Majortrix still wasn't here, but he was normally really late. So yeah. 

      "I doubt I know about anyone here, so I guess gossip?" Gingers eyes glowed at she launched into a detailed explanation of this girl named Zanas sin and how her boyfriend Dylan canceled on their date two hours BEFORE and how now Zana wanted to break up her ex boyfriends relationship. It was all so stupid and trivial but it was funny to listen to. Like, yeah, I may be burned at the stake, but it was still okay, cause I had middle school drama. 

      "Do you like anyone?" I asked, and Ginger shook her head.

      "Liking people is overrated. Causes problems, and it's such a small school that the one time that anyone likes someone it because a whole big thing. Too much drama. I want to be a drama whore, not a whore to the drama." She replied. "Do you like anyone?"

      I hesitated. Ginger seemed nice. But she just said that one thing can turn into another big thing. But I didn't want to tell her no, because I didn't want to make her feel awkward. I opened my mouth, but just then, the door swung open, and Mentor Majortrix stomped in. 

      Mentor Majortrix is a funny man. He's huge. Like, 7'0". He would be, at least, if he didn't hobble on a cane. Even if he shuffles away on a cane, his presence radiates power everywhere he goes. His face is scared and stretched. It was rumored he fought in a war when he was young, and someones magic hit him in the head. He survived, but now half of his face is covered in a cooper looking material. One of his eyes are gold, the other a hard brown. His natural skin is a pasty white, that'll sometimes turn red or brown when he gets aggitated. Which is mostly all the time. He likes to wear big steampunk outfits, even though it's boiling in his classroom. 

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