Chapter Thirty Nine

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TW: Self-harm

      "I'm still going to run the tests on you, Felix." Dr. Salliman said, and put some gloves on. Plastic gloves, like the one that the doctors would put on before they put me under and put me into surgery. 

       "But something is really wrong! YOU CAN'T JUST OPPERATE ON ME! YOU HAVE TO DO OTHER THINGS ON IT!" I yelled out, and tried to jump away from Dr. Salliman. Right now, they weren't going to actually operate on me unless they found something that needed to be operated on, but the gloves were more for just protection. 

      "Felix... you haven't EVEN EXPLAINED TO ME WHAT WAS WRONG!" That was true, but I knew that if I told them the entire truth, then I would incriminate myself, and that was fucking stupid and I'm not dumb. 

      "I was smoking and my body wouldn't let me smoke." And that's when I felt dumb, realizing that everything I said was pretty much nonsense to everyone who wasn't there watching when the black goop bubbled out of my throat. 

      Salliman stared at me. "Wow. Not smoking. Was it vaping or weed? Actually, I don't care. But maybe it was just like, your body telling you that destorying your body by smoking was horrible and you're killing yourself?" The sarcasm was dripping out of their voice and falling on the floor like acid. 

       "No, not like that. And also, not like that in anyway, but in the sense of like, there was something new in my body. Something that made it so I couldn't. It was like phlem, but black. And it bubbeled."

      "That's probably just phlem and you ate so something so the food dye made it look black. You're fine, Felix. Please, let me just start the check up. I want to make sure everything is okay inside of your body." 

         "You're not listening!" I protested, and I could tell Salliman was becoming really angry. 

         "No, you're not listening! I am doing this for your betterment. Sit down, and help me help you, Felix!" They said, and tried to push my shoulders down onto the medical bench thingy I was standing on, their hands just grazing my skin before they swiftly pulled away, shaking their fingers away. "FUCK! WHAT DID YOU DO? DID YOU DEVELOP LIGHTNING OR SOMETHING?! THIS ISN'T OKAY! WHAT?" 

      "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! IT'S JUST ASMODEUS AND ABADDON TOO!" I yelled back. Salliman inspected their hand. There didn't seem to be any damage, and it must have been a light shock, but when they flipped their hand around, Sallimans finger tips had been tinged the same gooey black, and in a second, I watched a tiny bead of the black goo drip from their middle finger and fall slowly on the floor. 

      "That hurt. A lot more than just a normal friction shock or whatever it's normally called." A pause in the doctors words, while they clenched and unclenched their fist. "It's most likely the Achillies charm, or whatever their calling it these days. The charm must have thought that I was going to hurt you or touch you with malintent and it shocked me." Dr. Salliman peiced the words together quietly in their mind while I watched them contemplate the new discovery silently. 

      "Do you still have to run some tests?" I asked? Salliman laughed, and then shrugged. 

       "No. I'm pretty sure you're off the hook. Just don't do anything that I wouldn't do, and if you can, ask Edward and whoever about the blessing charm Achillies thing. That means no testing the limits, no jumping off the staires, and the normal stuff." No touching anything medical, don't smoke in the house or near the house, don't go looking for the portal in the house. (Salliman said that there was one somewhere, but I wasn't trusted enough to use it.) Just basic teenager stuff. I was fine with it normally, but now, I wanted to test out my limits. And really badly. "You have that glint in your eye that tells me you're going to do something really really stupid."

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