Chapter Forty Five

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      "It was pretty ballsy for you to skip out yesterday on all those classes? Like, yeah, sure, I understand. And I was the one that suggested it but still. I thought you would polite your way out of it and not just back out so willingly. Is skipping school a human thing?" Ginger said. We weaved our way through the halls, our wings occasionally bumping into eachother. Ginger had held on to most of the memories from yesterday, but she couldn't remember anything else from her human self/ 

      "Is that a thing? To like, polite your way out of things. I don't do that. If soemone offers something, and I want to take that offer, I'm going to take that offer. Plus, I thought people skip school all the time here. And yeah, skipping school is something that humans do 24/7 that's why all the teachers are so miserable all the time. Cause they always have at least two kids missing." I replied, and turned a corner, and I let out a huge breath. 

       The second I stepped through the doors of school, my body had clenched up with anxiety and the thought of seeing Jake. Something really shitty must have been going on, and he wasn't in his right mind. That was Jake I was talking to, there was no way. 

      "You're breathing irregularly, and you haven't let go of your backpack string since I saw you and we were talking at your locker for like 10 minutes. Is this by any chance due to the weird ass fucking interaction that you had with Jake yesterday?" 

       "Absolutely. And it was weird and creepy and I hated it. So, you know, that. Also, this place just gives me the creeps. I just kind of hate it. Plus, I don't feel like I really belong here. Like, you fit along fine and you get a duel education and you can just say 'oh my parents forced me!' where as with me I'm kinda stuck with this title." I said. "So that's it." 

     "Cool." Ginger said, and her blue-gray eyes studied me. "You wanna unclench your body now? Cause I think your teeth are about to crack from the pure pressure of having to deal with your anxiety."

      "HAHA! Nope. Teeth and whole body will stay clenched until I leave this god forsaken place, and if I don't end up leaving before my whole body combusts into a feiry ball of nerves, I'm hiding in my locker for the rest of the day!" I said with a smile, and a slight twist of my head. Ginger laughed, her eyes squinting up and sparkling. 

      "Whatever, Felix. See you after class." She said, and walked away. I sighed, and turned to a doorway. And in front of this doorway was History of Lets. A really fucking stupid class. And, to make even more stupid, Owen is in this class. Owen, the one who got so angry cause I insulted him cause I was dying he stormed out of the fucking room. 

       "Don't leave meEeEeEEeEEeEeE." I said, but my words were carried away by the stomping and yelling and magic going on in the halls, and all I saw was Gingers blond hair swinging away. "Whatever, Ginger. See you after class."

     I turned around on my heel and survyed my surroundings. Okay. So Owen wasn't here yet. To be fair, most of the kids weren't. Most of the kids had graduated this class, because, you know, no one really wanted to be here. Except for Owen, for whatever reason. And I didn't qualify for any other classes. 

     The boys that tripped me had all left. I think they might have gotten expelled. I really hope that got expelled. All they did was bully kids and smoke. And I was above the first bit. One of the girls that had tried to be my friend had left because she moved to the accelerated class. There were only like 7 other kids, besides Owen and I. So, 9 of them left. That's a 9 person loss. Damn. I guess there a just a shit ton of people smartr than me. In this cause, I would be totally fine with it. 

         I sat down in my seat, my joints popping in snapping in ways I can only assume that the ink is to blame for. Unfortunatly, the one person in the classroom other than me was sitting right next to me. In my seat. 

        They had some sort of familiar ring to them, like I knew them in the back of my mind. But, I haven't seen them. In my entire life. 

      Whatever. I shrugged and pulled a notebook out of my satchel. I had gotten a new satchel recently, and it was very, very helpful. I used to just try to put little notebooks in my backpack, but that did not work. Then I went through the just carrying everything era, and then I got a little purse. And now, I have stumbeled upon a satchel, that can fit all my needs! HURRAH! I love giving my readers absolutely useless tidbits. 

      I pull out my notebook and slid the first couple of pages open. My new recent thing was trying to learn as much about magic as I could. But specifically witchcraft. If I wanted to be anything magic, I wouldn't want to be a Crow, or a Celestial, or even a Winglet. I would want to be a witch. And specifically an Electic Witch. Electic witches don't follow a specific type of magic and aren't limited to any magic. They find out what magic works for them and works with that. It's great. So far, I've filed up 28 pages of knowledge, from Divination to Familiars to crystals all the way to auras and Chakras. 

     I know her... I heard someone whisper in the back of my mind. One of my Crowboy friends. She's my friend. She was my friend. 

     I looked over at the girl. There didn't seem to be anything remarkable about her. She had plain brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a gray shirt with gray pants. Pretty average. 

     You don't know her. She's probably around my age. Just quiet down, whoever you are. You're wasting energy trying to talk to me and your wasting my energy as well, I replied, and tried to go back to my studied. Right now, I was researching about Palmistry, and I just have to say that Divination is some of the dumbest shit in the whole fucking world. Like, tarot I could get behind cause that's pretty cool but Palmist-

    You don't understand. I DO know her. There is no doubt about it in my mind. It's Jack, by the way. And it's easier than last night. But just talk to her. Please. Or I'll have to try to take your body by choice, and I think that'll hurt both of us. Her name is probably Diana, Jack persisted. 

    There is absolutely no way I'm going to try to speak to her. That's so stupid. Besides, kids are filling in. Class is going to start really soon. Plus, Owen is here, and I think he's starting to stare at me. And in a weird creepy scientist way. So, no. Defenitly not. I said. 

      Whatever. Pussy, Jack said. I felt a little bad about letting him down. But my anxiety was getting in the way of it. If it had been after class on a day I was feeling a little bit more confident, then maybe. But certainly not today. Not right now. 

     Suddenly, I felt a sharp stabbing in the middle of my brain. And in my stomach. And my heart as well. "GAH!" I said, and clutched my stomach. Some people started to stare, Owen included. I smiled sheepishly, and then glared at my hands. 


       Okay, so first, stop talking to me in a 'I'm alive and your dead so I'm better than you' way. You're only alive because I'm dead. Second, just talk to her. All of this won't happen as long as you just talk to her for a seond. Third, class hasn't even really started yet. It'll start soon, but not yet. Fourth, you talk in class all the time. Shut the fuck up. Don't be a hypocrite. 

     All of those are reasonable points. Fine. As long as you don't make me feel like I'm about to die anymore. I also don't think your supposed to hurt me anymore. I'm dying and my magic is draining, remember. All of that. Dead. So, whatever. 

         Good. Now go. Talk to herrrr. Jack said, and with a smile in his voice, he ceased speaking. 

         Fine, I said, and turned to her. "Hi. Is your name Diana?" The girl, suppodly Diana, looked at me, her lips shaped in a pout. 

        "I was just about to ask what you name was. But no, my names Molly. My moms name is Diana. Is your name Jack?"

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