Chapter Thirteen

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Mama took the hair well, which was great. She just shrugged and said, "Fefe, what did you do?" And then continued to make breakfast. I made my way to the table, took some pills and tried to calm down. A fast brain is a careless brain, I reminded myself. Go fast, you do something stupid. Slower is better.

My brain, however, didn't seem to get the memo. It was so inconsiderate, going even faster than the day in 8th grade that I ate a whole box of Chips Ahoy and drank a Rockstar. I was a dude. With a dick. A dick that may or may not be a little hard even if it was FOR NO FUCKING REASON! Even though all of this did feel.....fucking awesome, because I mean my dream is coming true, JESUS CHRIST THIS IS SCARY!

"Fefe, are you alright?" Mama asked. I flinched, and knocked over Lennons glass of milk. "You look.... hyperactive." Mama wouldn't dare ever mention my ADHD. The closest she'll ever go is hyperactive. And even then, barely.

"Yeah. Just jumpy. Big test today!" I forced out a smile. Mama raised an eyebrow- a look she had mastered over the years of trying to parents me and Lennon as a single mother. Refusing to make eye contact, I studied the gray hairs that continued to pop up on her scalp. She was getting more stressed. God dammit.

"Alright," She said, and then turned back to the stove. "Is Owen picking you up today?" My heart stopped, and my stomach felt like a cold hand had reached into it and squezed my insides tightly. Fuck. Owen.

I needed to think of a plan. Owen knew I was a Crow. Owen or maybe he didn't. I never explicitly told him, and maybe he thought I was just kidding. But, I'm not sure.

"Yeah, Mama. Owen's going to pick me up. Are you going to be able to drive Lennon?" I replied.

"Mary Kate is driving Lennon. I'm not sure I like Owen. He's on my shit list." Mama rarely ever swore, unless it was towards one of my friends. For whatever reason, she hated Owen. With a passion. It was funny at times, and then kind of sad.

"Well, he is giving me a ride, for free, even though legally he can't do that. Also, why is Mary Kate taking Lennon? Are you alright?" Mary Kate was Lennons friends Mom, and Mama and Mary Kate would take turns giving the boys rides to school.

"I'm fine, Fia." Mama said, and glanced over to Lennon. Ah. One of those days, where Mama would say she was fine in front of Lennon because Lennon is a little sensitize and we don't want to worry Lennon. I would have to check on her later. "Now, come. Sit down. Eat." She gave me a plate and shooed my over to the table.

"Thank you, Mama!" I said, and kissed her on the cheek.

"And you're dressed, correct? And not in a hobo outfit? Good, good. Stand up so I can look at you." I was, in fact, dressed well. More masc, today. My magic pants that I look like I weigh nothing in, and a gray shirt and a flannel. Papa says I look like a beggar, but Mama has learned to just go with it. Papa doesn't understand a lot of how I function, just because he's not here a lot. So yes.

"Can I eat first, please?" Mama could tell. She could absolutely tell. Fuck. She would think I was a strange man who had killed her daughter and took her place. Oh fuck. Fucking hell. This was so bad.

"Fine. Something seems off, Fefe. Is there something you're not telling me? You took your medications, right?" She walked over to me, took my hand, and gasped. "Fefe! You look white!" I almost lost my mind. Did Edward make me white?! Oh my fucking gods. WHY?!?!

Just, by the way, I'm Hispanic. My whole family is. My Mom is from Mexico and my Dad is from Cuba, but he moved to Spain and that's where Mama and Papa left. But I like to say I'm Spanish because it confuses people and I think it sounds sexy. And I mean, it's not a big deal to me. But yeah. EXCEPT EDWARD MADE ME FUCKING WHITE!!?!

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