Chapter Seven

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"Felixfelixfelixfelix." Lex said, and cradeled their arm. My name blended into one word when they went into my ears. I was on the ground, rocking back and forth. Panicking. I shouldn't be the one panicking. Lex should. Because I mean, Lex was the one with unknown magic inside their arm. But part of me was inside of Lex. That was freaking me out.

"Both of you. Enough. Now. Deep breaths." I heard Owen say. I tried to take some breaths, but my vision continued to swim. In. Out. IN. OUT. NOSE. MOUTH. IN. OUT. Okay. Okay. I was tolerable now. I opened my mouth, and Abaddon squeezed back in. "Deep breaths. Everything is fine. You'll be okay." I think he was trying to convince that to himself.

You are in so much fucking trouble. I thought to it. There wasn't a response, but I could have sworn that Abaddon was laughing. In a, you know, silent killing magic way.

"What did you do to me?!" Lex wheezed, clearly not much better. They continued to cradle their arm, which had turned blue. The color of Asmodeus. And it was spreading up there for arm. It was kind of jarring to see Lex like this. I knew they had issues, but just.....kind of broken. Disfunctional. Not in a bad way. In a way where it was so apparent when Lex normally kept their issues buried down deep, deep, deep.

"I don't know!" I wailed. The panic was starting to come back. Creep into my thoughts and make me spiral. This was something important to spiral about, though.

"Okay. Both of you. Listen." Owen said, and snapped. I looked at him instantly, but Lex needed a little coaxing. Owen dropped down and talked to Lex quietly. It was such a sincere moment. I felt really uncomfortable. But I did want Lex to feel better. It was my fault this was happening. I was going to fix it.

"Felix. This your magic." Owen said, and he looked at me like he needed confirmation. Lex seemed to be signigicantly calmed down. Which was good. Their stress was probably stressing Asmodeus out as well. That would just make everything a lot tricker.

"Ye-yeah. Yeah, of course." I replied, a little confused.

"And you talk to Abaddon and tell it what to do. Do you have that type of connection with Asmodeus." I blanched for a second. I never told Owen Asmodeus's name. I also never told Abaddon that I really....talked to Abaddon?

"Well, yeah, I talked to Abaddon. But not Asmodeus. Dude, I don't even know what Asmodeus does."

"Great. Great great great. I have this, this thing in my arm, and YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT THE MAGIC IS!" Lex screamed.

"JUST CALM DOWN OKAY!?!" I screamed back, and stomped towards them. Owen had to step between us and push us away.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" He screamed back, and took a deep, huge, ginormous breath. And another. And another. "Do you think you can get close to eachother without killing eachother?"

"Okay. Yep. I can do that." I stepped forward, slowly, like Lex was the velociraptor in Jurassic Park. The blue of Asmodeus had spread all they way up to their forearm. At touch, their arm was cold. Freezing, almost. I grabbed onto it with my entire hand, and squeezed it gently.

Asmodeus. Alright. Listen to me. You have to get out. I don't know what you're doing in there. And also, I don't really care what you're doing. The only thing is, you're inside of my ex. Lex the Ex. So......get out. Please.

I stepped away. "Guys, I don't really know what to do. I don't have that good of a connection with Asmodeus, and I don't even know if we speak the same language."

"Keep trying. Dude. You have to do this. This may be life or death." Owen said. He started to look worry to. His mask of apathy normally only broke around Lex or Caitlin. And I liked seeing Owen happy, even if it was normally around Lex. Plus, it would kinda suck if Lex died. Even if I hated them with a fiery passion.

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