Chapter Thirty Five

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      "Ginger!" I squealed, and speed-walked down the hallway. Ginger turned around and smiled, waving at me. I hadn't seen her in almost a month, and it felt good to finally have a friend at school that I was avoiding. *cough cough* MatthewandJake *cough cough* 

     She looked dishoveled, her blond hair tangeled and unstraightened as it normally is. Her face was washed free of the makeup that she had adorned almost everyday, and her clothes looked wrinkeled and dirt stained. "Hey!" She said as I caught up to her. She looked even worse up close. There were bags under her eyes, and her arms seemed to be dotted with bruises. 

     "Dude, where have you been? I've been dying out here all by myself? Second question, are you okay?" I asked, trying not to go hyperspeed on her. I think Ginger just needed some sleep, but still. I may not have known her for long, but I needed to make sure my girl was good. 

       "Yeah, so fun story about that..." She said. "It's kind of a long story, do we have our next class together?" It was still early this saturday morning, and all of our brains were mush. Plus, I didn't expect that Ginger would have her schedule mixed up a little bit after being gone for so long. 

      "We have Experimental Magic together." I said, and shuddered. I had been skipping Experimental magic for a while, just because I really didn't want to see Majortrix. I had been mostly going to smoke with Matthew and Jake, but I was avoiding them right now. And kids were easier to avoid then a class. 

       Speaking of Matthew and Jake, they had like, kind of disappeared. I didn't see Jake at normal school anymore, and I didn't see either of them at night classes or normal everyday classes. It was strange, but at the moment I couldn't think anything of it. 

      "Alright, cool. I can't wait to see Majortrix again. Isn't he going to be so much fun? My very first class back." Ginger said, and smiled, her eye brows wiggling. 

       "I know right. I mean, still. I don't know. So, why do you want to wait until the next class to tell me? Were you in the hospital? Are you injured?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. Panicked filled Gingers eyes for a split second as she looked around. There were a fair amount of kids in the halls, and I was still being pretty loud. But like, loud loud. The normal talking volume for me, which was kind of loud. 

        "Just, calm down for a second. Why are you being so loud? You don't need to yell all my information." I opened my mouth to explain myself, forgetting that they didn't have neurodivergency in the Alt World, but closed it. 

     "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just excited to see you." I said.  

      "You're all good." Ginger pulled my arm into the class. I couldn't find the Mentor anywhere, which was reassuring. Maybe he had had a sick day for the first time in 1,000,000 years. I hoped so. 

       We sat down at our desks, and I looked around the classroom while Ginger got setteled. The class was kind of empty. I guess the other kids were catching my drift when I stopped showing up for the last few classes. We were early, but so far there were only two other kids in the classroom with us, Eliza and Lakrie. 

       "Alright, cool. Thanks for giving me that second. So anyway, basically, I'm half Legacy. And I didn't know that until like a month ago. I thought that I only had my Mom with me. My mom's full Legacy. Turns out, I have this whole other life I didn't know about, because I developed wrong." I sucked my breath in. Shit. It was this. I didn't think I would have to be here for something like this. "And I developed in a way here I kind of have two personalities. Split personality disorder, if you will. I don't actually, but whatever is going on in my brain is kind of like that. Everytime I let my wings out and let my other magics out, then I forget about my other life. And vice-versa." A pause for dramatic effect. Or maybe to get her breath under control. Or to make sure she didn't start crying. Either way, I didn't care. I was trying to keep my expresion as netural as possible. 

       "So yeah. And I didn't know that, until a while ago. My Mom and Dad sat me down, when I was in my normal form, and told me about how I'm magic. They recorded the whole thing, explained it in full detial, and everything. Then, my Mom sat me down when I was in this form, and brought out my Dad. And then they explained how I wasn't a full Legacy and that I had development problems. And they recorded that. And I had to go to this kind of therapy camp to work it out of me so I can get over it."

      "So that's where you were this whole time? Did it hurt? What did you do? What happened?" I tried to keep all the questions in, but that wasn't really in my nature, you know?

      "Okay, therapy camp isn't a good example. But it was defenitly therapy. Have you watched Stranger Things? I did the underwater thing that Eleven did, to try to link both of my memories. And it worked- a little bit." Ginger wouldn't be angry if she knew that I knew her in both worlds- right? I don't think she would. She didn't seem angry now. Maybe she didn't even know. "But it's working. Now, I have to do all of the excerises in the morning to make sure I didn't forget what happened in my other form. I have to go back and forth from both worlds and both forms pretty often, and I had to do a pretty difficult excerises this morning. I haven't been sleeping alot, and stuff like that. But it's getting better. I go to this school in the real world, and I have a lot of friends. I don't remember a lot of my friends in specific, but still a lot of them. It's cool." Ginger grinned. She was so proud of herself. And she was so strong. Without thinking, I hugged her. She was shocked for a second, but then hugged me back, her arms wrapping around my mid section. 

        "Dude, you are SO cool." I said, and laughed. 

        "I mean, thank you. By this route, theres a super good chance that I make a full recovery by the next year. All I have to do is work hard and keep trying and take some meds- oh Gods. I sound like a cartoon character. I promise that I'm not super cringy, or like, a quirked up white boy." I smiled. That's something Van joked about a lot. She was rememering some of the lingo from the real world. That made me much happier than it should. 

     "I think it's funny. Uh, I need to tell you something that's like, really relevant to what you're talking about, and I mea this in the least sarcastic way possible. But uh, I go to school with you. I know you in the real world." I spit out. That was.... horrible timing. BUT IT WAS OKAY! CAUSE YOU KNOW WHY!?! FOR ONCE, I WAS HAPPY TO SEE MAJORTRIX. The second I said that, he hobbeled into the door, swearing up a storm. 

      "Alright, you skimanders. I see that most of my class has dropped out, and even though I'm dealing with less of you snowflakes, I'm getting in trouble for having less and less of you." I looked around, yeah.... there were ike 13 kids in the class now. There used to be at least 30. What happened? There's no way all of us dropped. "I see that two of you back. Maybe you aren't skimanders after all." He nodded to us, and I fought the urge to wrinkle my nose. The validation was wanted from a lot of people, but certainly not Majortrix anymore.

       Ginger beamed, but I just nodded. Major kept eye contact with me, and I didn't look down. I was going to try to get out of his class anyway. I didn't do anything, because my magic doesn't have a lot of wiggle room, and it's also pretty illegal. So yeah. 

      "Anyway. I know that all of you talk, because your teenage snowflakes, and I know that rumors spread, and I need more of you snowflakes to talk about my class, because if I don't get seven more kids in this class, then I'm going to be put into retirment. So. What do you all want to do? I'll take any suggestions." 

       "What do you mean?" A kid asked. "You'll let us do anything we want today?" 

       "Sure, I guess." Majortrix said, and walked over to his desk. 

       I turned to Ginger and smiled. "I have the best idea."

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