Chapter Ten

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The Celestial School was......weird tonight. Tense. Like everyone was holding their breath. Kids didn't just run around the halls and push into each other anymore. They seemed aware. More aware of me, specifically. I couldn't walk through the halls without a few whispered here and there. There he is. There's the kid that brought his magic out during a game of handball. Theres the crazy little boy. It was a mistake to let non-legacy kids into this school. They're all dangerous and unloyal. They don't need to be here. They should all go. Or just that one. Felix.

"Felix!" I heard someone call. My heart stopped for a moment. Hoping it was Owen, I turned around, but only found Ginger. Relief washed over me for a split second, but then I realized it wasn't my Ginger. It was there Ginger. Evie was nowhere to be seen. "Felix! Wait up!"

"Oh, hi!" I said, but kept moving the slightest bit forward. A few kids stopped at stared. Bitches.

"Where were you yesterday? There was still like four more hours. I was looking for you!" She said, amicably. Oh.

"I had to go home. You know, cause like, the whole magic thing in PE. Yeah, that kinda can ruin your day." I said. Ginger laughed. That....wasn't supposed to be funny.

"Yep. It's not normally a big deal though. Kid just lose control of their magic. It's probably only a big deal for you because....." She lost thought, and stared at her shoes. Because I'm brown. Because I'm not a legacy. I don't fucking know. "Yeah. But besides, normal charms and spells don't work on any of the kids here. You know those piles of jewelry you have, just kind of lying there, promising you that you can control your magic if you wear it? Yeah, we all have that. The only thing that works on the kids here are drugs, Adderal, or other bullshit. By the way, have you been chipped?"

"Those were so many words, give me a second to process all of them." It was comforting to know Ginger had the same mental speed and talking pattern she did when we were in the normal world. "Yeah, I have a lot of necklaces and a couple braclets for that. Kind of funny. I can't even remember all of them at this point."

"Like that one?" Ginger asked, and pointed to my bracelet. It was the one I got when I first visited the voices in my head.

"Nah. That was a present from a dear friend. What was the other question? Oh yeah. Chips. Yeah. I had a few surgeries a while ago and then all of a sudden I woke up and then the doctors told me they had put a little thing in my brain!" I said, and the last bit, I tried to sway around a little bit. To put some silliness in my words. It didn't really work that much. She just looked at me with understanding.

"Did they modify yours in anyway? Mine works with anxiety and some other weird thing I'm not really sure of." Oh. That thing.

"Anxiety, some anti depressent bits of it, but for whatever reason it doesn't moniter me. Probably because I'm still developing my magic though. Dr. Salliman said I would have that later."

"Dr. Salliman....the person who follows you around and that you have to walk away with sometimes?"

"Yep. Just to make sure I'm not dying or something." At this point we were walking together to class. We had Experimental Magic together, which was one of my meh classes. No Owen, but the teacher was great. So yeah.

"Yet they aren't here today?" Ginger asked. Her hair was really really pretty. I just noticed that. In the Alt World darkness, it shone as if it were made little stars.

"They're taking some time off today. Developing some new type of drugs for my brain." I waggled my fingers. We both laughed. It was nice hanging out with Ginger. Maybe we didn't have to exsist in two different worlds with different relationships. That would be nice.

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