Chapter Thirty Seven

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     I laid out all the cash that had been stuffed into my hand. I ended up with twelve little coins that kind of looked like Majortrix, 60 sparkly coins, and in total, 200 white paper that shimmered when I held them in the sun. I had to have Ginger help me convert them, and even she was having a little trouble. 

     Ginger had, suprisngly, remembered everything from the classroom a few minutes ago with ease, and we helping me keep the other kids calm. They were acting a bit like toddlers at a playground, unsure of what to do but knowing that they want to do something loud and rambuncious. 

        "Okay, so I have to teleport back to my house to get some money and my phone. Don't move. I'm serious. Or I'm reporting you to Majortrix." I said, and turned around, ready to teleport away. 

      "Who the fuck point you in charge?" Poppy asked. 

      "I did. Do you want to just wander around like newborns? Be my guest. But if you don't want to look like an idiot, then follow me. Alright? Fun. If you have a problem with it, then go run around and have fun. Everyone else, stay right here while I get some money." That shut Poppy up. I turned around once again, and with a satisifed grin, teleported into my room. 

       I carefully landed on my carpet, trying to not make any noise. Mama was downstaires, singing loudly so some music I didn't reconize. Lennon was in his room, and saw me through the door. He rasied an eyebrow, and I put my finger to my lips. He shrugged, nodded, and then went back to reading his book. Fuck yeah. That's my brother. 

     So, I defenitly didn't have two hundred dollars. But, you know what? I could just give them each like ten dollars and let them have fun. Ginger said she had money on her, and I didn't plan on getting anything, and I mean, it was 7-11. They were probably just going to get like a 5 dollar ice-cream. And I could just round up all the unspent money at the end, and when I get back, I can find like an ATM or something to turn the 200 dollars into money. So, I was really getting the better deal. Haha. Suckers. 

      I teleported back, and distributed the money. "Okay. Don't go over ten dollars. At the end, give me all the money you didn't spend. I will know. I'm going to be out here, so don't try any dumb shit. And don't steal. There are cameras everywhere. Sound good?" There were a choures of yes, and everyone moved inside. "Ginger, you got the inside?" I asked. 

       "Yeah. I'll get you if anything happens. Just relax." She said, and I laughed. 

       "You know I will. Time to lose all of my fucking braincells on TikTok. Don't let them buy ciggerates or beer or anything. Major would shoot me if I did." I said, and fell back into my normal words. 

      Time flew buy, and soon, they had been in there for hours. It seemed to be a good plan. Kids had started to wander back into the parking lot, eating their snacks and giving me back the change. I didn't have much so far, but as soon as I could get my hands on an ATM, I was going to SPEND this cash. Or, not an ATM. Like, a bank? I don't know. 

     "Felix? That you?" A kid asked, and I looked up, confused. Yeah, it was. You know, your classmate? 

    "What do you nee- Oh. Jake. Hi." I said. Yep. Jake was standing right in fron to me. In the human world. He didn't look angry, or irritated, or like he had some choice words to say anything. That was weird. 

      "Oh shit, hi. I've missed you so much! Have you been avoiding?" He asked, so eagerly. That was... weird. Where was the cis-boy swagger I had come to identify him with?

     "I mean, yeah, a little bit? Are you not pissed that I lied to you? I'm not a Legacy. Big fat liar, right here." I waved my hand in front of my face. Maybe he was seeing some sort of illusion of me. 

     "Yeah, I know." He sat down next to me, and my whole brain of fight or flight mode. He never got this close to me when he was sober, and he wasn't acting like he was high? What the fuck? "And I was angry at first, I mean, you lied to me. But then I realized, it didn't really matter. I mean, non-legacies suck. But you're cool." That was a red flag. Please tell me that my friend was going to go all alpha male Andrew Tate on me. "I lied to you to?"

     "Oh?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

     "Like, at school, I'm your age. But I got held back. I'm so sorry. I lied to you." Cue the dramatic pose. What the fuck was happening?

      "Are you high?" I finally asked. 

       "NO!" Jakes eyes widened for a second, like he had gotten caught. "I need to be sober to do this. I've been sober for the past three weeks just in case I met up with you." 

     "Swag. We haven't seen eachother for the four days or so, and I know damn well that you haven't been sober. Also, I've been ghosting your texts because you say really shitty things about non-legacies. So, yeah. It was fun smoking with you, but-"

     "Will you go out with me?" Jake asked, inturepting me. I had to bit back a laugh when I saw how serious he was. 

      "Sir, you're like, two feet shorter than me. You give Andrew Tate. Your entire personality is smoking." I replied. That didn't seem to bruise his ego, though. 

     "I think we have something between us, Felix." 

      "By doing this, you're gay." I said, trying to snap him out of it. This was not him. 

       "Really?" He slid closer to me, and put his hand on my thigh. I shivered. His hand was warm, and it was really close to my no-no square. For a second, I let myself think about him. He wasn't really that much shorter than me. He was good looking. 

       "Yep. That is, gay. I'm genderqueer, but that means that your pretty gay." I said, and he just smiled, and moved his hand up further, until it was cupping right there. My brain went into freak out mode, but my hands had turned into lead. 

      "I think you'll have a really good time." He leaned in and whispered. I let out a soft groan as his thumb started to rub circles. 

      "We're in public. We gotta do this all later, okay." I said, through soft gasps of air. Jake lifted his hand up, and wipped it off. Shit. Now all of this was happening in my pants. 

     "So, is it a date?" Jake asked hopefully, his eyes like puppies. He smiled, and his cis-boy swagger was back, and full in action. "I know you'll have a very, very good time." 

     "Yeah. Yeah it's a date. Just keep doing the cis dude swagger, and I'll be all yours." I replied, and tried to do that in the most lusty voice that I could make. 

      "Alright. I'll see you later then, baby." He said, and got up. God damn. He called me baby. Hhhh. I didn't like him, but jesus christ. Hhhh. 

     "So, what was that about?" Ginger asked, walking out. "Cause, that dude grabbed you, and you did nothing. And that feels vaugley illegal, not on you, but the other dude. And he was defenitly magic right? No one in the human realm our age is that hot." 

     "True. Old friend of mine. That's a lie. I've known him for a month. He's kind of weird. He acts like a plug. I don't really get him, but he's chill. Don't call the cops or whatever." I got up, and brushed off my ass. "Y'all ready to go?" Ginger nodded, and the other kids gathered around. 

     "Anyone know where Majortrix is?" A kid asked. 

     "Damn! I didn't think about that." I said, and tried to put as much sarcasum in my voice as possible. It.... did not work. "We do need to find him though. Just walk in your pairs and shout his name. It'll work. Probably." I said. I needed to clear my head. This wasn't working. I needed to get out of my head. 

     "Y'all go ahead. Eliza, get together with someone else. I'm going to stay with Felix for a little while." Ginger said, and moved over to me. Eliza nodded, and ran over to Poppy and Emerald. "Dude, you're not okay. You need to go home." 

    "Yeah, I know. But I gotta like," 

      "No, we find Majortrix, and he knows where to go. We can say that you threw up and you went home. Trust us." Ginger said. That was enough to convince me to go. I hugged Ginger tightly, and teleported home. 

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